Page 190 - Social Media Marketing
P. 190

176 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

            YOUR CHAPrEK 14 CHECKLIST (Coratimlell)

 o Motivate yourself by setting a goal and a reward for

     achieving that goal.

 o Surround yourself with positive people whose attitudes are

     much more conducive to recovering from a sales slump.

 o Review the fundamental strategies and techniques required

     to be successful; a sales slump is often the result of forgetting
     what helped you achieve success in the first place.

 o When sales taper off, pick up the phone and start calling

     current and past customers; this can help you build repeat
     and referral business.

 o Grow out of your current slump by setting even higher goals

     and then doing whatever it takes to achieve those goals.

  o To avoid another slump, always be working on today's

     business, tomorrow's business, and future business.
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