Page 188 - Social Media Marketing
P. 188

174 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

   Chances are pretty good that you already know a top producer
or sales coach you admire. Unfortunately, most salespeople are re-
luctant to approach these industry leaders, under the mistaken as-
sumption that these top producers have little time or desire to meet
with "lesser" salespeople and reveal their secrets of success. The
truth is that the people at the top are often the most generous with
their time and with sharing their techniques. Most of them arrived at
the top with help and training from other top salespeople, and they
feel a responsibility to pay it forward. Contact a salesperson you
admire and arrange a meeting. Invite the person to lunch or dinner.
If you hit it off, ask whether you can shadow the person for a day.

   Another option is to hire a sales coach. Sometimes, you may be
too close to your situation to view it objectively. A reputable sales
coach can quickly assess the situation, tell you what you're doing
right and what you're doing wrong, and offer several suggestions
that you can immediately implement. A good coach may charge
you a thousand dollars or more plus expenses for a single day, but
if the coach can put you on the path to success, the investment is
well worth it.

                                    Start Now!

Many people set a date on which they plan to implement a change.
They say they'll start dieting after Thanksgiving or stop smoking
on Monday. That gives them some time to indulge until the day of

   For some people, this approach might work, but for many people,
when that date finally arrives, they simply bump the date. They still
have half a box of candy or a few cigarettes left that they don't want
to waste, so they put it off until they've depleted their supply. In
the meantime, they buy some more candy or cigarettes, and end up
never getting around to following up on their good intentions.

   If you are serious about making a change, do it right now. Don't
put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because you never
know what tomorrow will bring-usually more opportunities. As
soon as you have a plan in place, start working the plan immediately.
Why wait? Seize the opportunity now!
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