Page 184 - Social Media Marketing
P. 184

170 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

hundreds of salespeople, and those who follow my advice and make
those 100 phone calls every day consistently find that they have
more business than they can possibly handle without at least one

   What often happens, however, is that as soon as they get busy,
they fall out of the habit of making those phone calls, and over time,
sales taper off. Customers forget about them and may be contacted
by a competitor. Moreover, the referrals from these customers begin
to dry up.

   The Hour of Power does wonders to help salespeople avoid a
slump altogether, but you can also use it to lift yourself out of a
slump. When you begin to notice your sales tapering off, head for
the phone and start dialing. Soon after you begin contacting your
base, you will notice a steady rise in business-both repeat business
and referrals.

   Try it. Start slow with say 25 to 50 calls per day, but work toward
that magic number of 100. It really does make a difference.

                                 Grow Out of It

We usually think that sales slumps are the result of some failure
on our part or factors outside of our control, but success can also
cause a sales slump. You achieve a certain level of success and for
some reason cannot seem to break through the barrier to the next
level, so you lose interest and sales start to decline, or you become
so complacent that you simply stop trying.

   When you begin to feel complacent or frustrated, perhaps you
need to grow out of it. Set a higher goal, figure out what you need
to achieve that goal, and get to work. Do you need an assistant?
Hire one. Do you need some new technology? Buy it.

   At one point in my career, I decided I wanted to sell 300 homes
per year. I set this "unrealistic" goal because I was working as hard
as I possibly could and still could not rise above the level I had
achieved. The goal forced me to think outside the box. I had to
answer the question, "What would I need to do in order to sell 300
homes in the course of 365 days?"
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