Page 189 - Social Media Marketing
P. 189

Blasting Out of Your Sales Slump 175

          Work on Today's Business, Tomorrow's Business,
                             and Future Business

One of the best ways to avoid a slump altogether is to always
be working on today's business, tomorrow's business, and future
business. Many salespeople fall into the rut of focusing only on
today's business. Instead of building a business, they are constantly
doing business, until sales taper off. Then, they shift gears and spend
all their time chasing future business. This rollercoaster may seem
exciting at first, but it gets old quickly and can really wear you down.

   By continuing to work on tomorrow's business and future busi-
ness while attending to today's business, you can flatten out the hills
and valleys and establish a steady flow of business and revenue.
This enables you to plan your business and scale your workforce
more effectively, so you are not in a constant cycle of hiring people
and then laying them off. You and your team will be much happier
and more productive.

 Tip: ABeD it. A projects are those that are close to being mon-
 etized. You want to keep moving B's to A's, Cs to B's, and D's
 to Cs, or delete the D's that are not worth pursuing or that you
 know will never move up the ramp. With this system in place,
 you can always be sure that you are working on today's business,
 tomorrow's business, and future business.

o Stop blaming others or making excuses; you are responsible

   for your own success.

o Figure out what change(s) have caused your current sales

slump, and you will often discover the solution to end your


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