Page 204 - Social Media Marketing
P. 204

You're Fired! Firing Your Worst Clients 191

Publishing, 1995). Here are some ways you can help your best clients
feel the love:

  • Keep in touch with your clients. Call them, send occasional
      greeting cards and e-mail messages. In Chapter 8, "Hosting
      Your Own Hour of Power," I encourage you to set aside one
      hour every day to keep in touch with current and past clients.

   • Send or deliver gifts to your clients as a token of your appreci-
      ation. Gifts may include flowers, inspirational books, plaques,
      or anything else you may feel appropriate based on what you
      know about each client.

   • Demonstrate an act of kindness. If you know that your client is
      dealing with a problem and you know of some way or someone
      who can help, offer your assistance. If you know your client is
      out of work, for example, and you know someone who could
      use this person's talents, introduce them to one another.

   Keeping outstanding clients is a lot easier than finding new out-
standing clients. Remember: Nobody generates great leads better
than a great client does.

           It's Not You; It's Me-Letting Them Down Easy

In the same way you drew up a list of your best clients, jot down a
list of your worst clients-the 10, 20, or 30 people who make your
life miserable. These are the people who, when they call, make you
hate to answer the phone. These are the people who make you want
to stay in bed in the morning rather than going into work. These are
the ones you need to get rid oj, and here are some suggestions on how
to get rid of them:

   • Pass the client to a team member whose personality is a bet-
      ter match. This allows you to shed the person without losing
      the person's business. You should have weekly team meetings
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