Page 207 - Social Media Marketing
P. 207

194 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

                    YOUR CHAFfER 16 CHECKUST

 o Generate a list of your top 25,50, and 100 clients.
 o Analyze your list of top clients to determine the qualities

     that your top clients have in common.
 o Work on retaining your best clients by staying in contact with

     them, giving gifts as a token of your appreciation, and doing
     good deeds for them when opportunities present themselves.

 o Let your worst clients down easy by referring them to

     another salesperson on your team or to a competitor, or
     simply by backing off until the client leaves or demonstrates
     a willingness to become a better client.

 o Constantly recruit new clients who have the qualities you

     value in your best clients.

 o Stop wasting your time with clients who sap your energy

     and enthusiasm.
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