Page 212 - Social Media Marketing
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Becoming a Lifelong Learner 199

creating and managing agent teams. If you know of no sales courses
specifically for your industry, then consider taking some more gen-
eral courses on marketing, advertising, team management, and
technologies that can help you manage your business more effi-
ciently. Local colleges usually offer at least a few classes for people
in business.

 Tip: Look for courses that enable you to earn certification in a
 particular area. This gives you instant credibility in addition to
 ensuring that you attain a certain level of mastery in the selected
 field of study.

                         Explore New Technologies

Developers are inventing new technologies almost every day to
help people more effectively and efficiently run their businesses,
market and advertise their products and services, and network with

   Spend time learning how to make optimum use of your com-
puter and the software installed on it. Explore your software's help
systems, read a book, or take a class to learn how to boost pro-
ductivity with features you may not even be aware of. Focus at
least some of your efforts on learning more about Internet mar-
keting through web sites, blogs, and other social media marketing,
as explained in Chapter 12, "Tapping the Power of Social Media
Marketing. "

                 Obtain Advice from a Mentor or Coach

Connect with a mentor or coach. One of the best ways to learn fast
is to connect with a top producer. Consider shadowing a real es-
tate professional whom you admire or asking the person to act
as your mentor or coach. Success leaves big footprints. Follow
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