Page 216 - Social Media Marketing
P. 216

204 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

   2. Business partnerships: In a business partnership, two or more
      parties bring something of complementary and equal value to
      the table to create a business entity that is greater than the sum
      of the combined offerings of all the partners. For example,
      a business manager, salesperson, and production supervisor
      could form a partnership to produce and sell widgets. Each
      person would bring a unique skill set that together could op-
      erate a successful business. Business partnerships are the topic
      of this chapter.

   3. Unique business+business partnerships: Many individuals
      partner to create their own businesses, but once you have a
      business, your partnership opportunities can grow through
      partnering with other businesses. For example, a real estate
      broker might partner with a mortgage broker and title com-
      pany to create a full-service, one-stop-shop for homeowners.
      All you need to do is identify a common goal and a way to
       generate revenue together.

     Tapping the Synergistic Power of Business Partnerships

People often develop partnerships because they happen to enjoy one
another's company and work well together. I have seen successful
business partnerships develop out of friendships, personal part-
nerships (colleagues working together), and family relationships
(marriages, parents and children, and so on). Most other partner-
ships arise out of productive collaborations. Two or more individ-
uals who share a goal and realize that they have complementary
skills and resources join forces to pursue their goals together.

   What I find to be most beneficial about effective business partner-
ships is that they enable you to accomplish what you never could
have accomplished on your own. Over the years, I have partnered
with several companies and individuals, including the following:

   • Kinetic Knowledge, a blogging company that specializes in
      designing and managing blogs for real estate professionals.
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