Page 217 - Social Media Marketing
P. 217

Partnering Your Way to Unlimited Success 205

     Kinetic Knowledge couldn't possibly reach as many real
     estate professionals as they do without my platform and
     connections, and I couldn't possibly blog without Kinetic
     Knowledge and other professionals who assist me in design-
     ing, maintaining, and generating fresh content for my many

  • Face to Face Live, a turnkey videoconferencing solution that
     enables companies large and small to establish real-time
      audio/video connections across the country and around the
      world. In addition to investing in Face to Face Live Video-
      conferencing, I work as their spokesman, helping to spread
      the word about this company and its amazing technol-
      ogy. I couldn't possibly design such an intricate technology,
      and they couldn't possibly promote it as well without my

  • Professional writers, who have enabled me to author nearly a
      dozen books. Without these writers, I could not have written
      so many books and developed relationships with publishers.
      In exchange, I provide the writers with valuable content and
      the marketing savvy to sell more books, so we earn more in

  • Other real estate professionals, who offer services to home-
      owners that my business does not offer. I've partnered with
      other real estate professionals to provide my clients with
      financing and insurance and provide their clients with my ser-
      vices to sell their h~mes or assist them in finding homes that
      best suit their needs.

   Being ADHD, I have always seen things a little differently from
the way most people see them. Perhaps my mind is more open to
placing two disparate ideas side-by-side, enabling me to see op-
portunities that others would never consider. I always find myself
wanting to help others enjoy a higher level of success and often
team up with them for this purpose.
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