Page 214 - Social Media Marketing
P. 214

Becoming a Lifelong Learner 201

                  YOUR CHAPTER 17 CHECKLIST

o Attend at least one industry-related conference this year.
o Subscribe to and read regularly the top journals and

   magazines for your industry.

o Sign up for Coogle News Alerts to keep track of daily news

   about your industry, your company, yourself, and your

o Read books or listen to audio books to discover more about

   your craft and anything else that piques your interest.

o Take a class and work toward becoming certified in a

   particular area of interest or specialty.

o Explore new technologies that can help you perform tasks

   more efficiently and effectively.

o Hire a coach or ask a top-producing salesperson to be your

   mentor, so you can learn from their experience.

o Spread the word about the need to become a lifelong learner.

   By creating a community of lifelong learners, you will be
   more dedicated to your own continuing education.
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