Page 209 - Social Media Marketing
P. 209

196 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

I know agents who subscribe to excellent magazines like Selling
Success and don't even take the time to read these valuable
publications-publications that could ultimately save them tons
more time than is required to read the articles! Some salespeople
refuse to attend industry conferences, falsely assuming that they
are a big waste of time and resources. Many salespeople won't even
crack open a book to learn a new sales or marketing technique or
listen to a book on CD or their iPods. All of these salespeople are
losing out in a big way: in time, profits, and personal fulfillment.

   Becoming a lifelong learner means plugging yourself into the
industry grapevine. In this chapter, I offer some suggestions on
how to do just that.

                        Attend Industry Conferences

Early in my career, I avoided industry conferences. I figured I had
better things to do with my time, like sell houses and make money.
Besides, I wasn't the type to sit around in a conference room listening
to somebody who liked to listen to his own voice tell me how to
sell. Boy, was I wrong.

   As I discovered by attending my first real estate conference, con-
ferences attract the best and the brightest and the most successful
people in the industry. If for nothing else, the top producers flock
to these conferences to mingle with the best and the brightest. Why
would anyone ever pass up the chance to meet the top people in his
or her industry? Who knows what opportunities could result from
a chance encounter!

   Attend at least one industry-related conference every year.
You can usually find one or two valuable sessions or speakers,
and even if you don't, the networking opportunities alone make

 Tip: Between the sessions you attend, station yourself at a table
 in or near the food court or lobby so you can meet a steady stream
 of fascinating attendees.
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