Page 54 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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history,	you	can	create	relationships	and	build	trust	with	people	far	and	wide	…
through	your	voice,	your	views,	and	your	expertise.	But	the	only	way	to	do	that
is	by	giving	them	enough	free	content	to	know	you	and	trust	you.

   When	I	started	my	consulting	business,	I	took	all	the	business	I	could	get	on	a
regional	level.	Slowly	my	business	evolved	and	grew,	completely	on	the	back	of
my	blog	content.	And	now	I	have	connections	all	over	the	world	through	social
media.	 In	 fact,	 I’ve	 never	 spent	 one	 dime	 on	 any	 form	 of	 advertising	 for	 my
consulting	business.	In	other	words,	my	business	has	grown	only	because	I	give
everything	away!

   Unlock	 your	 content.	 Unleash	 it.	 Tear	 down	 those	 walls.	 And	 watch	 your
business	grow!

3.	Be	entertaining,	funny,	and	inspiring.
There’s	a	very	good	reason	people	share	pictures	of	puppies.

   Psychoanalyst	Donald	Winnicott	discovered	that	our	first	emotional	action	in
life	is	to	respond	to	our	mother’s	smile	with	a	smile	of	our	own.	A	desire	for	joy
and	 happiness	 is	 hardwired	 into	 all	 of	 us.	 Joy	 can	 also	 be	 a	 driver	 of	 action.
Winnicott’s	 discovery	 of	 a	 baby’s	 “social	 smile”	 also	 tells	 us	 that	 joy	 increases
when	it	is	shared.

   No	 wonder,	 then,	 that	 happiness	 is	 an	 important	 driver	 for	 social	 media
sharing.	 Think	 about	 the	 content	 you	 like	 to	 spread	 to	 your	 friends	 or	 online
tribe.	A	lot	of	it	is	joyful,	funny,	or	entertaining,	right?	Well,	turns	out	there	are	a
lot	 of	 people	 like	 you	 out	 there!	 Research	 into	 the	 most-shared	 articles	 on	 the
web4	uncovers	three	primary	emotions	in	the	content:

      Awe	(25%)
      Laughter	(17%)
      Amusement/entertainment	(15%)

   Pew	 Research5	 reports	 that	 35	 percent	 of	 men	 and	 43	 percent	 of	 women	 are
on	Facebook	primarily	to	see	entertaining	or	funny	posts.

   This	 idea	 also	 shows	 up	 in	 the	 Berger/Milkman	 research.6	 They	 found	 that
content	 with	 a	 positive	 sentiment	 tends	 to	 go	 viral	 more	 than	 negative	 content.
It’s	 more	 complex	 than	 that	 of	 course—people	 share	 content	 that	 expresses	 a
wide	 range	 of	 emotions—but	 in	 general,	 staying	 positive	 should	 help	 you	 trend
toward	better	shareability.

   Research	 by	 the	 company	 AgoraPulse7	 found	 that	 the	 most-shared	 posts	 on
Facebook	 also	 had	 some	 element	 of	 inspiration	 in	 them,	 indicated	 by	 keywords
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