Page 61 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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was	 simple:	 “All	 the	 established	 bloggers	 post	 on	 Monday,	 so	 to	 stand	 out,	 I’m
posting	on	a	day	that’s	less	crowded.”	A	very	sensible	approach.	He’s	finding	an
unsaturated	niche	based	on	the	day	of	the	week!

12.	Re-purpose	content.
Evergreen	content	is	a	versatile	workhorse	and	can	be	re-purposed	to	create	new
information	 forms	 for	 your	 customers.	 A	 series	 of	 evergreen	 posts	 can	 be
compiled,	edited,	and	offered	as	an	in-depth	special	report.	You	can	also	turn	the
evergreen	 posts	 into	 speeches,	 webinars,	 videos,	 and	 email	 courses—just	 to
name	a	few	ideas.

   You	can	transform	a	piece	of	research	or	a	dataset	into	an	infographic,	and	an
infographic	into	a	video,	and	a	video	into	a	podcast,	and	a	podcast	transcript	into
a	 blog	 post,	 and	 a	 blog	 post	 into	 a	 press	 release.	 Every	 piece	 of	 content	 can	 be
altered	 for	 a	 different	 medium	 with	 minimal	 additional	 investment.	 This	 means
more	content,	gaining	exposure	with	new	audiences,	in	less	time.

   One	 technique	 that	 has	 had	 blockbuster	 results	 for	 me	 is	 turning	 my	 best
“old”	 content	 into	 colorful	 presentations	 on	 SlideShare.	 My	 original	 blog	 post
“Six	 questions	 that	 lead	 you	 to	 a	 social	 media	 strategy”	 had	 a	 total	 of	 about
7,000	 page	 views.	 After	 I	 posted	 it	 on	 SlideShare,	 the	 same	 content	 has	 been
seen	 more	 than	 100,000	 times!	 SlideShare	 is	 free	 to	 use,	 owned	 by	 LinkedIn,
highly	indexed	by	Google,	and	a	deep	educational	resource	for	many	people.	At
the	 end	 of	 that	 particular	 presentation,	 I	 had	 a	 call	 to	 action	 to	 learn	 more	 by
buying	 my	 book	 Social	 Media	 Explained.	 I	 could	 easily	 track	 this	 link	 to	 see
how	many	clicks	I	received.

   Best	of	all,	by	re-purposing	the	content	on	a	new	channel,	I	was	reaching	an
entirely	 new	 audience	 who	 had	 never	 seen	 the	 first	 post.	 I	 also	 ignited	 a	 new
round	 of	 social	 sharing	 on	 the	 same	 investment	 with	 very	 little	 development

   Here	are	a	few	more	ways	to	re-purpose	and	re-ignite	your	content	with	little
or	no	incremental	expense:

      Narrate	existing	slide	presentations	and	turn	them	into	YouTube	videos.
      Take	the	audio	from	videos	and	use	it	in	podcasts.
      Assemble	blog	posts	into	themes	to	create	helpful	eBooks	and	customer
      Use	blog	content	as	a	starter	for	book	chapters.
      Turn	list	posts	into	infographics.
      Post	infographics	on	SlideShare	and	Pinterest.
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