Page 66 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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attribution,	and	then	give	it	your	own	spin:

      What	did	you	learn	from	this	new	research?
      What	new	ideas	did	this	enable?
      Was	the	research	done	correctly,	or	is	there	a	problem	with	the
      methodology	you	need	to	highlight?
      How	can	the	research	be	practically	applied	to	problems	in	your	industry?
      What	surprised	you?	What	doesn’t	make	sense?	How	does	the	research
      provide	a	new	world	view?

   All	 of	 these	 personal	 spins	 on	 data	 can	 make	 compelling	 original	 content
highly	valued	by	your	most	passionate	audience	members.

18.	Encourage	comments.
People	who	care	enough	to	leave	comments	on	the	content	you	publish	are	also
highly	 likely	 to	 share	 it	 with	 their	 networks.	 If	 they	 spend	 the	 time	 to	 leave	 an
opinion	 on	 your	 work,	 they	 want	 the	 world	 to	 know	 it,	 too!	 To	 the	 extent	 that
you	can	encourage	comments,	you’re	encouraging	social	sharing.

   Here	are	some	easy	ways	to	encourage	people	to	comment:

      End	your	post	with	a	question.	People	hate	an	open-ended	post	and	are
      more	likely	to	close	the	loop	by	answering	your	question	in	a	comment.
      Ask	specifically	for	comments.	In	Chapter	7,	I	cover	the	importance	of
      comments	and	social	proof,	but	prime	the	pump	by	asking	a	few	friends	and
      work	colleagues	to	leave	a	comment.	Comments	spur	comments.	People
      feel	better	about	leaving	their	views	when	they	see	they’re	not	standing	all
      alone	in	the	comment	section.
      Mention	influencers	with	large	audiences	in	your	post	and	link	to	their
      content.	Most	of	the	time	they	will	be	“pinged”	when	someone	links	to	their
      content,	but	don’t	be	afraid	to	let	them	know	the	link	exists.	They’ll
      probably	share	your	post.
      Notify	potential	commenters.	Send	an	email	to	people	in	your	industry	who
      would	be	interested	in	your	post.	You	need	to	use	this	method	judiciously—
      you	can’t	keep	going	to	the	well	until	it’s	dry!	If	they	trust	you	and	the
      request,	you’ll	almost	certainly	earn	a	comment	and	a	share	from	these

19.	Tap	into	FOMO
Many	 people	 are	 obsessed	 with	 being	 constantly	 connected	 to	 the	 web	 due	 to	 a
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