Page 65 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 65

I.   It   is   important   to   understand   that   by   numbers   to   leave   numbers,   or   form   to   leave   form,   I   am   describing   a
                process  in  which  technical  information  is  integrated  into  what  feels  like  natural  intelligence.   Sometimes
                there   will   literally   be   numbers.   Other   times   there   will   be   principles,   patterns,   variations,   techniques,
                ideas.  A  good  literal  example  of  this  process,  one  that  does  in  fact  involve  numbers,  is  a  beginner’s  very
                first  chess  lesson.  All  chess  players  learn  that  the  pieces  have  numerical  equivalents—bishops  and  knights
                are   worth   three   pawns,   a   rook   is   five   pawns,   a   queen   is   nine.   Novices   are   counting   in   their   heads   or   on
                their  fingers  before  they  make  exchanges.  In  time,  they  will  stop  counting.  The  pieces  will  achieve  a  more
                flowing  and  integrated  value  system.  They  will  move  across  the  board  like  fields  of  force.  What  was  once
                seen mathematically is now felt intuitively.
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