Page 13 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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Special Events SUNDAY

    Members and Students Luncheon                                           VOLT Leadership Workshop – IMECE 2017
    Sponsored by: Committee on Honors
                                                       12:00pm–1:30pm         Meeting Room 10, 3rd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
                                     Grand Ballroom A, 2nd Floor,
                                                                            Creating and Working in Effective Teams
                                          Tampa Marriott Waterside          Teams are at the core of everything we do at ASME. From the
                                                                            committees that develop our codes and standards, to the
    Ticket: $60                                                             student teams who participate in our competitions, and
                                                                            everything in between, teamwork is essential to success.
    CHARLES T. MAIN STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD                                Working effectively as a team takes more than just getting the
    GOLD                                                                    best minds together. This workshop will discuss what makes
    Gemma Iruegas, Member                                                   an effective team, how to create successful teams, and actions
    Universidad Panamericana                                                you can take to make your group stronger. Whatever your role
                                                                            at ASME, this workshop will give you a foundation for success
    SILVER                                                                  in your teams.
    Jithu Paulose, Member
    Federal Institute of Science and Technology                             Exhibit Hall Grand Opening and Opening Reception
    Shannon K. Yee, Ph.D., Member                                                             West Exhibit Hall, Tampa Convention Center
    Georgia Institute of Technology
                                                                            All registrants are invited to this special event to celebrate the
    CHARLES RUSS RICHARDS MEMORIAL AWARD                                    opening of the IMECE exhibits. Come grab a drink and some
    Jian Cao, Ph.D., Fellow                                                 food, meet this year’s group of exhibitors, and learn about their
    Northwestern University                                                 products and services.

    OLD GUARD EARLY CAREER AWARD                                            International Undergraduate Research and Design
    Katie Correll, Member                                                   Exposition
    Universal Creative
    OUTSTANDING STUDENT SECTION ADVISOR                                                       West Exhibit Hall, Tampa Convention Center
    Nadir Yilmaz, Ph.D., Member                                             Poster Setup:            3:00pm–5:00pm
    Howard University                                                       Expo (General Viewing):  5:30pm–7:00pm
                                                                            Winners Announced:       7:00 pm–7:30pm
    GOLD                                                                    The Student Expo provides undergraduate engineering
    Alan Williams, Ph.D.                                                    students with a professional and technical forum for presenting
    The University of Leeds                                                 their research, design project, and other engineering solutions
                                                                            and endeavors to top researchers and scientists from
    SILVER                                                                  academia, industry, government, prospective employers,
    Frédéric Villeneuve, Ph.D., Member                                      entrepreneurs graduate schools, and potential faculty advisors.
    Siemens Power and Gas
                                                                            FutureME Mini-Talks & Social Meetup:
    ARTHUR L. WILLISTON MEDAL                                               The Choice of a Career Path – THE ESSENTIAL TRUTHS
    Austin P. Kraus, Member                                                 Presented by the ASME ECE Programming Committee
    University of Evansville
First-Time Attendees Orientation                                                                     Room 18-19, Tampa Convention Center
                                                                            Join the FutureME community for this social experience! You
                         Room 20-21, Tampa Convention Center                will have the opportunity to hear four short, relevant, and
                                                                            inspirational Mini-Talks given in an informal setting by
First-time attendees to IMECE are cordially invited to this                 experienced engineers. They will share their stories and
informal yet informative session to learn about how to navigate             experiences in career development and the game-changing
the conference, how to use the program, and more importantly,               decisions they’ve made throughout their careers to become
where all the best parties are. Snacks and refreshments will be             the engineers they are today.
                                                                            The Mini-Talks will focus on technical disciplines related to               xi
                                                                            ASME’s focus on core and cross-cutting technologies such
                                                                            as Clean Energy and Sustainability, Advanced Manufacturing,
                                                                            Robotics and Bioengineering.
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