Page 12 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3                                                           SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5

    ASME Business Meeting                                                        Strategy Forum Breakfast
                                                                  5:00pm–5:30pm                                                               7:30am–9:00am

     Meeting Room 5&6, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                       Grand Ballroom A-D, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside

    Call to order by Charla K. Wise, ASME President, 2017–2018                   Give your IMECE experience a boost by attending this
                                                                                 engaging and informative Strategy Forum with ASME President
    Report by the Treasurer                                                      Charla Wise. Learn more about where the Society is heading
    Membership Report                                                            and how you can get involved.
    2016–2017 Annual Report
    State of the Society Video                                                   Please join us on November 5, 2017 starting at 7:30am for
    Report on Proxies Received                                                   breakfast.
    Ratification of Auditor
    Election of 2018 Nominating Committee                                        2017 Student Design Competition @ IMECE
    Other Business                                                               Ballroom A & West Exhibit Hall, Tampa Convention Center

    SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4                                                         Run of Show | Staff POC: Patti Jo Rosenthal (cell: 202.834.0352)

    Old Guard Oral Presentation Competition Finals                               Student teams compete in a Robotics Pentathlon, where their
                                                                  9:00am–2:00pm  technical design skills and creativity are put to the test as they
                                                                                 strive to prove that their robot is fast, strong, and agile enough
      Grand Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                      to compete against the “best of the best” in five different
                                                                                 events: The Lift, Sprint, Climb, Throw and Hit.
    All are invited to attend the finals of the Society-level Old Guard
    Oral Presentation Competition. Meet the engineering students                 7:00am–2:30pm
    who have successfully competed at the 2017 E-Fests and are                   SDC Part 1 | Ballroom A schedule
    now vying for the $2,000 ASME Old Guard Prize for                            (three pentathlon events: Climb, Lift, Sprint)
    outstanding presentation skills.
                                                                                 Room set: Sixteen (16) 6’ tables set perimeter of ballroom
    Like all effective professionals, engineers must possess a                                  (note: one draped for regis/check-in)
    well-developed ability to synthesize issues and communicate                                 2 chairs per each table
    both orally and in writing. This competition is designed to                                 dance floor for Sprint event (needs to be at least 40
    emphasize the value of an ability to deliver clear, concise,                                feet long, 10 feet wide)
    and effective oral presentations, particularly pertaining to
    some sphere in which an engineer is or should be involved.                   Schedule        staff set signs, tape course/field, etc.
    Presentation topics must address a technical, economic, or                   7:00am–8:00am   teams move-in, set-up, robot inspection,
    environmental aspect of engineering or other basic engineering               8:00am–10:00am  peer review
    theme, and often relate to the students’ engineering design/                                 competition starts (15 teams)
    analysis projects. For more information, please visit                        10:00am         lunch break (45 minute)                          12:00pm         conclusion of SDC Part 1
    competitions/old-guard-prize-oral-presentation-competition/                  2:30pm

    History & Heritage and Old Guard Presentation/                               4:30-7:30pm
                                                                                 SDC Part 2 | Conclusion | Exhibit Hall
                                                                  6:00pm–7:30pm  (two pentathlon events: Hit and Throw)
     Grand Ballroom C&D, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
                                                                                 Room Set: Sixteen (16) 6’ tables set perimeter of ballroom
    Please join us for the 2017 ASME History & Heritage/Old Guard                                (note: one draped for regis/check-in)
    Committee Joint Reception on Saturday, Nov. 4th. ASME’s
    History & Heritage Committee will present its annual Engineer-               AV: speaker/microphone (Boeing rep remarks)
    Historian Award to Dr. Dietrich Eckardt, for his historical work,
    “Gas Turbine Powerhouse.”                                                    Schedule        staff set signs, tape course/field, etc.
                                                                                 4:30pm          teams move-in, set-up
    The ASME Old Guard Committee will announce the Old Guard                                     competition starts (15 teams)
    Oral Presentation winners and present them with their award                  5:30pm          conclusion of SDC; winners announced
    certificates.                                                                 7:30pm

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