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Special Events MONDAY

MELVILLE MEDAL                                                              HONORARY MEMBER
Qiang Ma                                                                    Professor Ramesh K. Agarwal, Ph.D., Fellow
Tsinghua University                                                         Washington University
Yihui Zhang, Ph.D., Member
Tsinghua University                                                         For pioneering high-impact research contributions to
                                                                            computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer; for innovative
SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS MEDAL                                                   contributions to mechanical engineering education; and for
Charbel Farhat, Ph.D., Fellow                                               meritorious service to the mechanical engineering profession
Stanford University
                                                                            HONORARY MEMBER
WORCESTER REED WARNER MEDAL                                                 Professor John W. Cipolla, Ph.D., Fellow
Michael P. Païdoussis, Ph.D., Fellow                                        Northeastern University
Mcgill University
                                                                            For distinguished contributions to the mechanical engineering
HENRY R. WORTHINGTON MEDAL                                                  profession, particularly for expanding the scientific knowledge
Yu-Tai Lee, Ph.D., Fellow                                                   of thermofluids, emphasizing mathematics-based education,
Retired                                                                     and enhancing the value of ASME through dedicated service
Naval Surface Warfare Center                                                to the Center of Education

ME/MET Department Heads Forum                                               HONORARY MEMBER
Sponsored by: Mechanical Engineering and Technology                         Professor Michael F. Modest, Ph.D., Fellow
Department Head Committees                                                  University of California, Merced

                                                             1:30pm–3:30pm  For pioneering and impactful scholarly contributions in the
Florida Ballroom 1–4, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                   fields of radiative heat transfer and laser machining of
                                                                            ceramics; for excellence in educating and training future
The Department Heads Forum is an annual event at the ASME                   generations of engineers and scientists; and for dedicated
Congress for mechanical engineering and mechanical                          service to the profession
engineering technology department heads. The forum is a
chance to learn about some of the latest research funding                   MELVIN R. GREEN CODES & STANDARDS MEDAL
developments, curricular innovations, accreditation issues, and             Paul D. Edwards, Fellow
upcoming ASME Center for Education activities.                              WECTEC Global Project Services Inc.

Honors Reception                                                            For championing ASME Standards and Certification efforts,
Sponsored by: Committee on Honors                                           particularly the development of new products including the
                                                                            CA-1 Standard–Conformity Assessment Requirements and the
                                                             5:30pm–6:30pm  Parts Certification Program; and for outstanding contributions
           Grand Ballroom Foyer, Tampa Marriott Waterside                   through service on numerous ASME technical and conformity
                                                                            assessment committees
All registered attendees are invited to attend this reception and
meet this year’s Honors Awards Recipients.                                  GUSTUS L. LARSON MEMORIAL AWARD
                                                                            Professor Evelyn N. Wang, Ph.D., Fellow
Honors Assembly                                                             Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                                                            For outstanding achievements in mechanical engineering
              Grand Ballroom E&F, Tampa Marriott Waterside                  within 10 to 20 years following graduation

All registered attendees are cordially invited to attend the 2017           RALPH COATS ROE MEDAL
ASME Honors Assembly. This multimedia program celebrates                    Professor Adrian Bejan, Ph.D., Fellow
some of today’s leading engineers, educators, entrepreneurs,                Duke University
and innovators. This year’s Honors Awards Recipients are:
                                                                            For permanent contributions to the public appreciation of the
ASME MEDAL                                                                  pivotal role of engineering in an advanced society through
Professor Zděnek P. Bažant, Ph.D., Fellow                                   outstanding accomplishments as an engineering scientist and
Northwestern University                                                     educator, renowned communicator and prolific writer
For developing a statistical theory of the strength and lifetime
of quasibrittle structures of random material properties,                   HOOVER MEDAL                                                    xiii
verifying it with experimental evidence and demonstrating its               John Staehlin, P.E., Member
relevance to structural safety; and for formulating a kinetic               Volunteers for Medical Engineering
energy release theory for material comminution into particles of
random sizes under extreme strain rates                                     For accomplishments as an engineer, inventor, and the founder
                                                                            of the not-for-profit volunteer organization, “Volunteers for
                                                                            Medical Engineering,” that creates special-purpose assistive
                                                                            devices to enable physically-disabled persons to achieve
                                                                            greater independence and improve their quality of life
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