Page 14 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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Special Events SUNDAY / MONDAY                                                 Leadership Council, and ASME honored Chuck and named the
                                                                                   SLA-1, the first commercial 3D printer, a Historic Mechanical
      In addition to the Mini-Talks, you will have the opportunity                 Engineering Landmark. He also received The Economist’s
      to engage in a networking activity which will allow you to                   prestigious 2013 Innovation Award, recognizing significant
      experience in real time the power of social relationships.                   contributions across the fields of science and technology.
      Practice your networking skills and learn best practices by
      participating in this group activity where you will meet and                 Prior to founding 3D Systems, Chuck served six years as vice
      introduce yourself to new people. Come meet up with other                    president of engineering at UVP, Inc. in San Gabriel, Calif., a
      early career engineers that have similar interests, to network               systems manufacturing company. Before that, he spent 10
      professionally, and make new connections with ASME                           years as an engineering manager at DuPont’s Photo Products
      leadership and/or renew past friendships. Bring plenty of                    Division, concentrating on the development of analytical
      business cards for networking!                                               equipment for chemists, including mass spectrometer and
                                                                                   GC/MS systems. Earlier in his career he was a senior engineer
      Ice cream will be served and surprise prizes will be given away!             at Bell & Howell. Chuck received a bachelor’s degree in
      (must be present to win)                                                     engineering physics from the University of Colorado in 1961,
                                                                                   an honorary doctorate in engineering from Loughborough
     MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6                                                            University in the U.K. in 2005, and an honorary doctorate in
                                                                                   science from the University of Colorado in 2016.
      Keynote Event
                                                                    8:00am–9:45am  VOLT Leadership Workshop – IMECE 2017
                            (breakfast served from 7:30am to 8:00am)
                           Ballroom B & C, Tampa Convention Center                   Meeting Room 10, 3rd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside

      Keynote Speaker: Charles W. Hull, Co-Founder and                             Creating and Working in Effective Teams
      Chief Technology Officer, 3D Systems
                                                                                   Teams are at the core of everything we do at ASME. From the
                  “3D Printing, Update and Future Direction”                       committees that develop our codes and standards, to the
                                                                                   student teams who participate in our competitions, and
      Chuck Hull will take the audience through a historical journey               everything in between, teamwork is essential to success.
      of additive manufacturing and then set the stage for where                   Working effectively as a team takes more than just getting the
      the industry is headed by discussing innovative trends such                  best minds together. This workshop will discuss what makes
      as the shift to making 3D production real; precision metals in               an effective team, how to create successful teams, and actions
      industries like aerospace and medical device manufacturing;                  you can take to make your group stronger. Whatever your role
      and the future of impacting humanity with applications like bio              at ASME, this workshop will give you a foundation for success
      printing.                                                                    in your teams.

                            Biography: Charles W. Hull is the Co-Founder           President’s Luncheon
                            and Chief Technology Officer of 3D Systems.                                                                        12:00pm–1:30pm
                            Chuck is the inventor of the solid imaging
                            process known as Stereolithography, the first            Grand Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
                            commercial 3D printing technology. With the
                            founding of 3D Systems in 1986, he initiated           PER BRUEL GOLD MEDAL FOR NOISE CONTROL AND
      the 3D printing industry and continues to lead it today with                 ACOUSTICS
      cutting edge innovations ranging from state-of-the-art                       Malcolm Crocker, Ph.D., Fellow
      production 3D printers that have changed the game in                         Auburn University
      manufacturing to precision healthcare and medical 3D printing
      solutions, on-demand parts manufacturing services and digital                EDWARD F. OBERT AWARD
      design tools. He is a named inventor on 85 United States                     Luca Rivadossi
      patents, plus numerous other patents around the world in the                 RVD S.R.L.
      fields of ion optics and 3D printing.                                         Gian P. Beretta, Sc.D., Fellow
                                                                                   Brescia State University
      In 2014, Chuck was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of
      Fame at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for his globally                 SOICHIRO HONDA MEDAL
      impactful and transformative work inventing and pioneering                   John E. Dec, Ph.D., Fellow
      3D printing. The same year, Chuck was the recipient of the                   Sandia National Laboratory
      European Patent Office’s prestigious European Inventor Award
      in the non-European countries category for his contributions                 FRANK KREITH ENERGY AWARD
      to technological progress and the advancement of society.                    Gershon Grossman, Sc.D., Fellow
      In 2016, he received the Manufacturing Leadership Lifetime                   Technion–Israel Institute of Technology
xii Achievement Award from Frost & Sullivan’s Manufacturing
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