Page 16 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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Special Events TUESDAY                                                        Recent Advances in Nanotechnology
                                                                                   Organized by: ASME NanoEngineering for Energy and
      TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7                                                          Sustainability Steering Committee (NEES)

       ME/MET Department Heads Professional Development                                                                                         4:00pm–7:00pm
       Workshop                                                                       Meeting Room 1, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside

                                                                10:30am–12:00pm    Co-Chairs: Dr. Hadi Ghasemi and Dr. Ram Mohan
       Florida Ballroom 5&6, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
                                                                                   The purpose of this panel is to bring together experts to
       This workshop will explore many topics: Becoming a                          discuss current issues, challenges, and opportunities on
       department chair, funding priorities and how to handle budget               advancing nano technology. The panelists listed below
       cuts as well as development, fund-raising, and alumni                       represent government, academia, and industry. Unlike many
       engagement.                                                                 other such panels, focus of this panel is on the engineering
                                                                                   aspect of nano technology, policy, standards, and most
       Heat Transfer Division Awards Luncheon                                      importantly, the business insights for product development.
      Sponsored by: Heat Transfer Division                                         Each panelist will deliver a lecture in his/her area of expertise,
                                                                                   followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Samit Roy.
        Grand Ballroom E, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                      Each invited speaker is allocated a maximum 30 minutes,
                                                                                   including Q&A. A 30 minute panel discussion will follow the
       Ticket: $50                                                                 individual lectures to allow for further Q&A.

       HTD Memorial Award (Science): Dr. Christoph Beckermann                      Invited Panelists:
       HTD Memorial Award (General): Dr. Mohamed S. El-Genk                        (1) Dr. Bharat Bhushan, Ohio Eminent Scholar and The
       HTD Memorial Award (Art): Dr. Zahid Ayub
       Bergles-Rosenhow Young Investigator Award: Dr. Austin                           Howard D. Winbigler Professor, The Ohio State University
       Minnich                                                                     (2) Dr. Marcie Black, CEO and co-founder of Advanced

       Auxiliary Guest Luncheon                                                        Silicon Group (ASG)
      Sponsored by: ASME Auxiliary                                                 (3) Dr. Lisa E. Friedersdorf, Director, National

                                                                    1:00pm–3:00pm      Nanotechnology Coordination Office
        Grand Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                      (4) Dr. Meyya Meyyappan, Chief Scientist, NASA Ames

       Ticket: $40                                                                     Research Center
                                                                                   (5) Dr. Ajit Roy, Principal Materials Research Engineer,
       The ASME Auxiliary welcomes ASME members to an afternoon
       of great food and refreshments at its semi-annual Guest                         Computational Group Leader, AFRL
                                                                                   Advanced Energy Systems Division Lecture & Reception
       The ASME Auxiliary is pleased to announce Ellen Gerth as their                                                                           5:00pm–7:00pm
       guest speaker. Ms. Gerth was an Archaeological Curator at the
       Odyssey Marine Exploration in Tampa. She will be giving a                      Tampa Marriot Waterside Grand Ballroom H, 2nd Floor
       presentation on the Odyssey’s vast collection of artifacts
       recovered from shipwrecks around the world and will have a                  The Frank Kreith Energy Award was established in 2005 to honor
       selection of artifacts for viewing. Please join us for this exciting        an individual for significant contributions to a secure energy
       presentation.                                                               future with particular emphasis on innovations in conservation
                                                                                   and/or renewable energy. Contributions may be through
       Symposium for New and Prospective Faculty: Tips for                         research, education, practice or significant service to society
       Tenure and Promotion                                                        that will lead to a sustainable energy future.

                                                                    1:00pm–3:30pm  The Award was established by the Solar Energy and Advanced
       Florida Ballroom 5&6, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside                   Energy Systems Divisions to honor Dr. Frank Kreith’s contribu-
                                                                                   tions to the field of heat transfer and solar energy.
       This workshop is designed for junior faculty, postdocs, and
       PhD students. There will be a panel discussion in which the                 Hybrid Air Conditioning Powered by Solar / Low-Grade Heat
       panel will share insights into the job search, promotion and the
       tenure process. The panelists will provide recommendations                  Gershon Grossman, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
       from their own experience, including best practices and what                Technion, Haifa, Israel
       to avoid. They will also answer questions from the audience.
                                                                                   Abstract: Demand for air conditioning (A/C) is on the rise
xiv                                                                                throughout the world, including in countries with no A/C
                                                                                   tradition such as in Europe. A/C is the primary consumer of
                                                                                   electricity in many sectors of the economy. Increasing energy
                                                                                   efficiency in the A/C industry is a primary goal. The possibility
                                                                                   of using low grade heat as a source of power for A/C goes a
                                                                                   long way toward the elimination of pollution and utilizing
                                                                                   renewable and environmentally safe energy sources.
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