Page 21 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
P. 21
Rayleigh Lecture IMECE Volunteer and Student Recognition Reception
3:45pm–5:15pm 5:30pm–7:00pm
Room 31, Tampa Convention Center Florida Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
Prof. Chris Fuller, Samuel Langley Distinguished Professor of
Engineering, Virginia Tech
Biography: Prof. Chris R. Fuller finished his THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9
B.E.(Hons) and Ph.D. at Adelaide University,
Australia in 1974 and 1978 respectively. His Closing Plenary Lunch
Ph.D. topic concerned re-active attenuation of
sound in ducts. He then spent three years at 11:45am–1:15pm
the ISVR, University of Southampton as a Ballroom B & C, Tampa Convention Center
Research Fellow studying coupled vibrations in fluid-filled
cylinders. After this, Prof. Fuller moved to the U.S. where he Aaron Knobloch
worked at NASA Langley Research Center as an NRC Research Senior Scientist and Program Manager
Associate for two years studying control of aircraft inlet and General Electric’s Global Research Center (GRC)
interior noise. In 1983 he accepted a faculty position at Virginia
Tech where he is now the Samuel Langley Distinguished When Machines Find their Voice: Industrial Internet of
Professor of Engineering and is based primarily at the National Things & Digital Twins
Institute of Aerospace in Hampton, VA. Prof. Fuller’s current
research interests are in acoustics meta materials, active control The consumer digital revolution, big data, and an increasingly
of sound and vibration, noise in aerospace systems and noise in connected world is revolutionizing the way industrial hardware
medical systems. Prof. Fuller has authored over one hundred are maintained and optimized. The growing Industrial Internet
and seventy papers in various major technical journals and of Things has given birth to Digital Twins; complex physics
holds over ten patents in active control. He is a Fellow of the based models of an individual asset fed by continuous real-
Acoustical Society of America and an Associate Fellow of the time sensor data. These dynamic models are personalized
AIAA. Prof. Fuller has served on the Board of Directors of the and customized based on the individual asset’s experience and
International Institute of Sound and Vibration and the Institute of condition. This talk will walk through examples of the impact
Noise Control Engineers. He is the lead author of the text the digital world is making on the physical world of jet engines,
Active Control of Vibration published by Academic Press. Prof. wind turbines and locomotives as well the future directions for
Fuller has taught over a dozen short courses in active noise and this technology.
vibration control in the US, Japan, Europe and Australia.
Acoustic Meta Materials Dr. Aaron Knobloch is a Senior Scientist and
Program Manager at General Electric’s Global
Acoustic meta materials(AMM) are commonly defined as Research Center (GRC). For 14 years at GE,
“materials that have properties not readily available in nature”. his research has focused on the development
As such AMM show high potential for developing new classes of novel sensors and packaging to enable
of passive acoustic materials with improved, designable measurements in high temperature and other
properties such as absorption, transmission loss and harsh environments. These sensors enable improved control
diffraction. The designable nature of AMM makes them and monitoring of jet engines, land based gas turbines, oil and
particularly attractive for use for noise control in industry. gas exploration and electric vehicles. In addition, Dr. Knobloch
To this date work in AMM has focused on research and there manages and directs GRC’s research portfolio in control and
is very little development of products, mainly due to scalability electrical systems for the Aviation business. Prior to arriving at
and difficulties in bulk manufacturing. In this presentation GE, Dr. Knobloch studied Mechanical Engineering at Bucknell
the concepts and early work in AMM will be reviewed. The University graduating with honors in 1998. He went on to
analytical developments and application of Transformational receive his M.S. and Ph.D. in the same discipline in 2002 and
Acoustics to designing AMM will be briefly described. Recent 2003 respectively from the University of California at Berkeley.
work in developing poro-elastic AMM which have potential Dr. Knobloch holds 15 granted or allowed patents with more
to be productized will be discussed as well as the use of than 13 other patents pending and is the author of 40 peer
Transformational Acoustics in designing absorbing materials reviewed conference papers and journal articles. Dr. Knobloch
with solid material matrices. Some new, promising directions has successfully written and led government sponsored
in AMM will be briefly outlined. research programs for DARPA, Department of Energy, NASA,
DoD, Department of Homeland Security, and ARPA-e.
Noise Control and Acoustics Division Wine & Cheese Dr. Knobloch is an American Society of Mechanical
Reception Engineering (ASME) fellow, member of IEEE, and winner
Sponsored by: Noise Control and Acoustics Division of the 2016 IEEE Control System Technology Award.
5:30pm–6:45pm xix
Florida Ballroom 2, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside