Page 23 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
P. 23


University of South Florida – Engineering Labs
Thursday, November 9, 2017

          Confirmed attendees to gather in the lobby of the

               Tampa Marriott Waterside promptly at 8:30am

Price: $25.00

Tour the engineering labs at the USF College of Engineering &
Department of Mechanical Engineering. Areas of research in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering include robotics,
biomedical and tissue engineering, nanomaterials and
nanomanufacturing, micro electromechanical systems,
biosensors and biofluids, clean energy technologies, compliant
mechanisms, rehabilitation engineering, system dynamics and
vibrations, composite materials, and sustainable designs.

This tour will cover the following labs:

• Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN)

• Assistive Robotics Lab

• Virtual Reality for Vocational Rehabilitation

• Nanotechnology Research & Education Center (NREC)

• Clean Energy Research Center

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