Page 27 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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Action Officer for underbody modeling research programs           customization, and green manufacturing. The interest in
across the DoD such as the Underbody Blast Methodology for       advanced manufacturing is driven by the need to maintain
Test and Evaluation (UBM/T&E). As the M&S lead for the           US manufacturing competitiveness, globally. To achieve this
Occupant-Centric Platform (OCP) Technology-Enabled               goal requires moving efficiently and rapidly from research to
Capability Demonstrator (TECD) project, he focused on the        prototype to product. The challenge is to close these gaps,
development of crash-worthy and blast-worthy ground              which can be done by developing a close connection between
vehicles, with special emphasis on occupant kinematics and       research, design and production. Production innovation is
safety.                                                          most efficient when tied to a close understanding of manufac-
                                                                 turing processes. To transform production, new manufacturing
He received the Army Materiel Command Systems Analysis           paradigms involving cyber, nano, additive, smart, etc. need to
awards in 2010 and 2012. He was coauthor of research             be cultivated. Nanomanufacturing, in particular, has achieved
publications that won the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering     significant advances over the last two decades. It is the fabri-
and Technology Symposium (GVSETS) Best Paper Awards in           cation of nano-scale building-blocks (nanomaterials, nano-
2013 and 2015. He is a Member of the Army Acquisition            structures), their assembly into higher-order structures
Corps, and is a Certified Acquisition Professional as Systems     (nanodevices and nanosystems), and the integration of these
Engineer, Program Manager and S&T Manager. In 2017, he           into larger scale systems. Nanomanufacturing research is the
received the Army Commander’s Award for Civilian Service.        study of processes to manipulate and control matter at the
                                                                 nano-scale, reproducibly. The nano-scale dimension is one
He spent over 15 years in the automotive industry at Ford        where a significant benefit in materials behavior occurs,
Motor and Visteon Corporation, where he was involved in all      usually, 1-100 nm. Top-down (e.g., lithography) and bottom-up
aspects of the product development lifecycle of automotive       (e.g., self-assembly) methods and techniques make up a suite
interiors. His automotive experience includes leadership roles   of more than 150 nano-scale processes. Integration could be
in concept-to-launch product design, human factors/              across length scales, geometries, materials and functions, and
ergonomics development, as well as in the standardized           could provide a means of forming complex, heterogeneous
application of CAE tools during the overall design engineering   systems exhibiting unusual properties. The goal is to bridge
process. He received several awards for his pioneering efforts,  the gap between nanoscience discoveries and nanotechnology
including the President’s level Customer-Driven Quality award.   products. NSF is advancing research in nanomanufacturing
He received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering      through several programs. These support fundamental
from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and his M.S.    research to enable and improve the large-scale or customized
and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Mechanics from Caltech,             manufacture of nano-scale materials, structures, devices and
Pasadena. His doctoral dissertation was on the Modeling and      systems, backed by model-based experimental verification and
Analysis of Hysteretic Structural Behavior. He has three         process validation approaches. A key focus of the programs is
patents, widely published with over 60 technical papers and is   research leading to new nanomanufacturing methods, tools
Co-organizer of SAE Congress sessions and Associate Editor       and platforms. Projects address manufacturability challenges
for the SAE Journals. In 2013, he received the SAE Forest R      such as scalability, customizability, sustainability, efficiency,
McFarland Award.                                                 controllability, yield and cost, and involve studies of unit
                                                                 processes, in-line and off-line metrology and closed-loop
Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing                                  process control. This talk will give research perspectives in
                                                                 advanced and nano manufacturing and discuss future
SESSION 2-1-1, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING                            opportunities.

PLENARY                                                                                Biography: Dr. Khershed P. Cooper is a          xxv
                                                                                       Program Director (PD) in the Civil, Mechanical
                           Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am                          and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division
                                Room 1, Tampa Convention Center                        of the Engineering Directorate at NSF. He
                                                                                       directs the Nanomanufacturing Program, the
Perspectives in Advanced and Nano Manufacturing                                        Scalable Nanomanufacturing for Integrated
(IMECE2017-73540)                                                Systems Solicitation and the manufacturing NSECs. He serves
                                                                 as a co-PD for ERCs. He represents NSF on NSTC’s Nano
Khershed Cooper                                                  Science Engineering & Technology (NSET) Sub-committee, and
National Science Foundation, CMMI Division                       is a member of its Nanotechnology Innovation and Commer-
                                                                 cialization Ecosystem (NICE) working group and of the NNI’s
Abstract: Advanced manufacturing is the application of innova-   Signature Initiative: Sustainable Nanomanufacturing. He
tive technologies to accelerate product development, custom-     contributes to the development of the Manufacturing USA
ize products, increase production efficiency and reduce cost.     Institutes and is a SME for NextFlex FHE-MII. Prior to joining
There is a need for rapid transfer of S&T research into manu-    NSF, Dr. Cooper was a Program Officer at ONR and a Senior
facturing processes and products. Products are getting           Research Metallurgist at NRL. While at ONR he managed the
complex, require a high level of design, need to be exciting,    Manufacturing Science Program, focusing on additive
reliable and affordable and meet societal needs. To meet         manufacturing (3D printing) and nanomanufacturing, and
these product requirements, new manufacturing approaches         several SBIR/STTR and ManTech projects in various areas of
are needed. In the last several decades, novel process
technologies have emerged—CAD/CAM/CAE, precision
systems, IT, robotics, intelligent systems, automation,
advanced control systems, new production platforms, mass
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