Page 28 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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        the manufacturing. His research work at NRL was in the areas       the trailing edge deflection of the six actuators. In order to
        of materials science and processing, specifically metallic alloys   predict the actuator configurations for stall recovery, a model
        and nanostructured materials. He has given keynote and             which accurately captures the nonlinear behavior of finite wing
        plenary talks at international conferences and workshops.          aerodynamics.
        He has nearly 150 publications, over 150 invited talks, 70
        contributed presentations, edited one book and holds one                                 Biography: Daniel J. Inman received his Ph.D.
        patent. He has organized and participated in several symposia                            from Michigan State University in Mechanical
        and workshops in additive manufacturing and nanomanu-                                    Engineering in 1980 and is Chair of the
        facturing. He is a Fellow of ASM International and a recipient                           Department of Aerospace Engineering at the
        of its prestigious Burgess Memorial Award. His technical                                 University of Michigan, as well as the C. L.
        interests are materials science, advanced manufacturing and                              “Kelly” Johnson Collegiate Professor. Since
        nanotechnology. His other interests are classical music,           1980, he has published eight books (on vibration, energy
        European history and armchair politics.                            harvesting, control, statics, and dynamics), eight software
                                                                           manuals, 20 book chapters, over 350 journal papers and 600
      Track 3: Advances in Aerospace Technology                            proceedings papers, given 62 keynote or plenary lectures,
                                                                           graduated 62 Ph.D. students and supervised more than 75
        3-13-1: AEROSPACE PLENARY                                          MS degrees. He works in the area of applying smart structures
                                                                           to solve aerospace engineering problems including energy
                                    Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am     harvesting, structural health monitoring, vibration suppression
                                         Room 2, Tampa Convention Center   and morphing aircraft. He is a Fellow of AIAA, ASME, IIAV,
                                                                           SEM and AAM.
        The Role of Composites in Avian Inspired Morphing UAVs
        (IMECE2017-73541)                                                  Track 3: Advances in Aerospace Technology

        Daniel Inman                                                       3-13-1: AEROSPACE PLENARY
        University of Michigan
                                                                                                      Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am
        Abstract: The aerodynamics and control that birds using in                                         Room 2, Tampa Convention Center
        gliding result in efficiencies in performance not yet realized by
        fixed wing aircraft. With the advent of smart, multifunctional      Compressive Behaviour of Long-fibre Composites:
        composites, it is now possible to implement motions inspired       A Multi-scale and Statistical Approach
        by avian gliding in small, unmanned air vehicles (UAV). Initially  (IMECE2017-73542)
        motivated by the casual observation of flight control motions
        made by birds, morphing research has proceeded with only           Olivier Allix
        limited understanding of how and why birds use their               Institut Universitaire de France
        aerodynamic surfaces for flight control. In addition, previous
        research has not made use of the full spectrum of active           Abstract: The intensive use of Carbon Fibres Reinforced
        materials. A summary of relevant previous results from two         Plastics in aeronautics implies to master the prediction of the
        fields: avian biology and morphing aircraft, is presented           behaviour of composite up to final failure and if one consider
        followed by current results on morphing trailing edge research     energy absorption even further. The so-called virtual testing
        and rudderless yaw control.                                        approach supports this goal and relies on the use of robust
                                                                           models keeping the key physical mechanisms into account.
        It is noted that birds to not have a vertical tail yet have
        substantial yaw stability and control. By integrating smart        An important aspect of the response of composite is
        materials into the rudderless tail of a small UAV yaw stability    compression, which involve a particular mode of deterioration
        and control is investigated in the wind tunnel. The tail consists  the kinking of fibres. In dynamics it can lead to a large amount
        of Macro Fiber Composites (MFCs) consisting of PZT rods            of dissipated energy thanks to the fragmentation of the whole
        oriented at θ degrees were simulated to induce bending             structure. Thanks to many works the physics of formation of
        twisting coupling in the control surface. When actuated, the       kinking is today relatively well understood at the scale of the
        resulting deformation has a novel curvature, which is used to      fibres, the one of the energy dissipated in the process far less.
        produce a restoring moment over a large range of sideslip          Moreover, its modelling at the meso-scale and its interaction
        angles. This work shows that the complex 3D curvature              with delamination is still a challenging issue.
        induced by the MFCs substantially aids in increasing the yaw
        moment, maintains directional stability and increases stability    Preliminary studies focus on quasi-static loadings of small
        in diving maneuvers.                                               samples. A micro model of a representative unit cell incorpor-
                                                                           ating carbon fibres in an epoxy matrix has been developed to
        Birds also use a shape changing trialing edge in gliding           account for the main degradation mechanisms associated to
        maneuvers. Here we present a combination of shape memory           kinking. It is based on Fleck & Budiansky’s kinking theory [1].
        alloys and MFCs to experimentally investigate the aerodynamic      This micro model has been used to extract the most important
        advantages of shape changing, spanwise trailing edges for          characteristics (strength, dissipated energy, kink band size)
xxvi small UAVs. This work investigates the capabilities of the a          [2–3] and the associated scattering mainly due to the statistical
        smart composite trailing edge to adapt to nonlinear aero-          waviness of the fibres. From that point on, a ply-scale model
        dynamics which is then applied to stall recovery, by tailoring     has been improved to account for compressive loadings [4].
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