Page 30 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
P. 30
Track 4: Biomedical and Biotechnology Track 5: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control
Wednesday, November 8, 8:00am–9:45am
Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am Room 2, Tampa Convention Center
Room 3, Tampa Convention Center
Nonlinear Dynamics for Design Across Different Scales:
Neuroprosthetic Engineering with Artistic Expression Via Challenges and Opportunities
Additive Manufacturing (IMECE2017-73537)
Walter Lacarbonara
Albert Manero Sapienza University
Limbitless Solutions
Abstract: Nonlinear dynamics is a mature field of research that
Abstract: Access to functional bionic devices for pediatric and has been traditionally focused on investigation and prediction
adolescent patient groups is limited due to significant of dynamical phenomena ensuing from system nonlinearities
challenges. High monetary device costs coupled with rapid and/or interaction force fields. There is an on-going paradigm
physical growth by users has yielded a limited accessibility shift in the design of high-performance structures and devices
paradigm. Further, traditional devices have historically by which new ways are sought to exploit advantageously
demonstrated high rejection rates from children who do have different kinds of nonlinearities at different scales rather than
access. To change that, our team formed Limbitless Solutions, enforcing constrains to overcome the onset of nonlinear
an engineering innovation company that helps children in need phenomena. Advanced tools of robust nonlinear modelling,
through the design and delivery of 3-D printed bionic limbs analysis, identification and optimization can be turned into
and disability technology that are donated to every family. By powerful design tools tailored for achieving high levels of
re-framing the disability challenges with technology and art, vibration control authority and synthesis of engineered systems
we helped the kids discover and freely express their own and materials.
identities without fear.The non-profit organization is a direct
support organization for the University of Central Florida, uses First, the general principles of active resonance cancellation
additive manufacturing to advance artistically personalized based on perturbation techniques are illustrated in the context
bionics and solutions for disabilities. Their work focused on of magnetically levitated bodies, cranes, and beams. The
combining non-organic forms with colorful design elements to active control inputs delivered by the different actuators can
foster user adoption. The use of electromyographic sensing at be shaped to suppress resonances possessing an activation
the distal abbreviated limb allows for reliable bio-sensing used threshold as is the case for parametric resonances or
to activated motors for grip control. Signals processing of subharmonic/superharmonic resonances.
electromyographic waves allowed for reliability and minimal
adaptation time when calibrated. Nonlinear passive absorbers based on hysteretic nonlinearities
can also be designed to outperform linear viscoelastic
Further innovation has continued with the first of its kind Xavier absorbers in predefined ranges of operation. This is achieved
hands-free wheel electromyographic wheel chair control by using wire ropes made of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires
system. This system allows for wheel chair users with limited and steel wires for which the interwire friction and the SMA
dexterity where otherwise a joystick could not be used for phase transformations are the primary mechanisms of energy
navigation to remain independent by providing direct control dissipation. In this context, perturbation methods and
with facial muscle gesture control. This advancement has the differential evolution algorithms are employed synergestically
potential to impact the lives of patient groups that otherwise to drive the optimization process triggered by the approximate
would remain immobile. nonlinear solutions afforded by asymptotics. Examples are
shown dealing with sway control of a five-story building and
Biography: Dr. Albert Manero is the President flutter control of a long-span suspension bridge.
of Limbitless Solutions non-profit, a direct
support organization for the University of In conclusion, recent advances on high-damping nanomaterials
Central Florida. Limbitless Solutions is an made of a hosting matrix with dispersed carbon nanotubes are
engineering innovation company that helps discussed. The hysteresis exhibited as frictional sliding
children in need through the design and between carbon nanotubes and the polymer chains of the
delivery of 3-D printed bionic limbs and disability technology hosting matrix can be largely modified and optimized by
that are donated to every family. The non-profit organization adjusting the micro-structural constitutive features within the
uses additive manufacturing to advance artistically person- developed computational framework to optimize vibration
alized bionics and solutions for disabilities. He holds a Ph.D. absorption up to unprecedented levels. Recent experimental
in mechanical engineering from the University of Central and modeling efforts are discussed in the context of new
Florida. Limbitless Solutions started as a student project at directions in material design for dynamic applications.
the University of Central Florida with a group of fellow students
xxviii who combined their academic skills with an innovative and
entrepreneurial spirit to advance the field of bionics.