Page 29 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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The chosen representative volume element relies on the Track 4: Biomedical And Biotechnology
fragment size at the micro scale. An approximate potential Engineering
form has been proposed and the associated state and
evolution laws are identified using an energy equivalence 4-1-1: BIOMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY PLENARY
principle between the scales – and models. The kink band size
plays the role of a localization limiter. This constitutive law is Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am
parameterized by the fibre waviness angle and is able to Room 3, Tampa Convention Center
represent material and geometrical nonlinearities under multi-
axial loadings. Interfacing Humans and Machines: Robotic Exoskeletons,
Bionic Prostheses, and Mobile Brain Imaging
This work can be divided in three parts. The first one (IMECE2017-72796)
describes the kinking micro model and the main associated
results. The second part focuses on the construction of a Daniel P. Ferris
homogenized constitutive law at the meso-scale. The third University of Florida
part features an application of the strategy to the modelling of
the degradation of holed plates in compression. For this Abstract: Robotic technologies have greatly advanced in
purpose, the meso-scale model has been implemented in the recent years, enabling the creation of new wearable sensors
virtual material model proposed in [5]. This hybrid description and motorized devices. Robotic exoskeletons for human
strategy allows the interaction between the micro buckling performance augmentation or neurological rehabilitation are in
mechanism (kinking) and other classical degradation development and testing at many locations around the globe.
mechanisms, such as delamination and transverse cracking [6], Bionic lower limb prostheses are becoming practical solutions
to take place for any configuration. The discussion of the for amputees. However, one of the fundamental roadblocks for
relevance of the approach using qualitative comparisons both robotic exoskeletons and bionic prostheses is the control.
between simulation [7] and experiments from the literature Better control approaches are needed to make the devices
[8–9] will be discussed. move in smooth coordination with the human users. One
possibility to get better control of wearable robotic devices is
Biography: Dr Olivier Allix (http://www.lmt. to obtain feedforward neural commands from the user. Dan is Exceptional Ferris will present on research aimed at merging humans and
class professor at ENS de Cachan and senior machines, outlining the major obstacles remaining to produce
member of Institut Universitaire de France. truly cooperative human-machine systems.
His research aims at proposing and
developing methods and concepts to solve Biography: Daniel P. Ferris is the Robert
industrial challenges and is strongly supported by aeronautical W. Adenbaum Professor of Engineering
industries. His main research activities concern the modeling Innovation at the University of Florida
of composites: damage crash …, multiscale approaches for J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of
non-linear structural mechanics (buckling, cracks propagation Biomedical Engineering. He studies how to
…), inverse approaches, non-intrusive computational integrate machines and humans to improve
mechanics, modeling and the objective prediction of failure in human performance and mobility in health and disability.
dynamics. He is the author of more than 200 publications, Specific research projects focus on robotic lower limb
member of 11 Editorial board of international journals and has exoskeletons, bionic lower limb prostheses, and mobile brain
been chairman of seven academic and two industrial imaging with high-density electroencephalography. Prof. Ferris
committees and co-chairman of 15 International conferences. completed his B.S. from the University of Central Florida, his
He received the AMAC and Mandel prize and the Medal from M.S. from the University of Miami, and his Ph.D. from
the French association of Mechanics. He is an Euromech and University of California, Berkeley. After earning his doctoral
IACM Fellow and member of the executive council of the degree, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the UCLA
International Association of Computational Mechanics. Department of Neurology and the University of Washington
Department of Electrical Engineering.