Page 26 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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      Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics                            Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing

        1-1-1: PLENARY AND NCAD TUTORIAL                                      2-1-1: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PLENARY
                               Wednesday, November 8, 8:00am-9:45am
                                         Room 1, Tampa Convention Center                                 Tuesday, November 7, 8:00am–9:45am
                                                                                                              Room 1, Tampa Convention Center
        Symmetry and Reciprocity Breaking in Electromechanical
        Metamaterials and Structural Lattices                                 Advanced Manufacturing in the Lightweighting of Military
        (IMECE2017-70756)                                                     Ground Vehicles
        Massimo Ruzzene
        Georgia Tech                                                          Ravi Thyagarajan
                                                                              US Army, TARDEC
        Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in condensed matter physics
        are opening new directions in band engineering and wave               Abstract: Weights of military ground vehicles have been con-
        manipulation. Specifically, challenging the notions of                 tinuously rising in response to ever-increasing threats and
        reciprocity, time-reversal symmetry and sensitivity to defects        expanding vehicle protection areas to those threats. This
        in wave propagation may disrupt ways in which mechanical              has resulted in reduction of expeditionary capabilities and in
        and acoustic metamaterials are designed and employed, and             increased costs and sustainment challenges. Being expedi-
        may enable totally new functionalities. Non-reciprocity and           tionary ensures that the Army retains operational advantages
        topologically protected wave propagation will have profound           while (1) increasing global, operational, and tactical mobility,
        implications on how stimuli and information are transmitted           (2) improving global responsiveness. The Army’s ability to
        within materials, or how energy can be guided and steered             project forces, conduct forcible and early entry, and transition
        so that its effects may be controlled or mitigated.                   rapidly to offensive operations is critical to ensuring access
                                                                              and seizing the initiative. The US Army has developed a
        The seminar will briefly introduce the state-of-the-art in this        Lightweight Combat Vehicle Science and Technology (S&T)
        emerging field, and will present concepts exploiting electro-          Campaign (LCVSTC) with specific recommendations in
        mechanical coupling and chiral and non-local interactions in          organizational, design, material and manufacturing domains.
        mechanical lattices. Shunted piezo-electric patches are               One of the findings of the cross-organizational team performing
        exploited to achieve time-modulated mechanical properties             the strategic review was that the predominant hurdles in
        which lead to one-directional wave propagation in one-                enabling lighter ground vehicles do not necessarily lie purely
        dimensional mechanical waveguides. A framework to realize             in materials science research, but rather in the Modeling and
        helical edge states in two identical lattices with interlayer         Simulation (M&S) and manufacturing technologies required for
        coupling is also presented. The methodology systematically            the same. These and other campaign recommendations that
        leads to mechanical lattices that exhibit one-way, edge-bound,        the Army develop clear metrics quantifying an understanding
        defect-immune, non-reciprocal wave motion. The presented              of the operational impact that weight reduction has to the Army
        concepts find potential application in vibration reduction, noise      will be discussed in more detail. This talk will provide the
        control or stress wave mitigation systems, and as part of             underlying motivation for light-weighting of military ground
        surface acoustic wave devices capable of isolator, gyrator and        vehicles, and the similarities and differences to corresponding
        circulator-like functions on compact acoustic platforms.              efforts for commercial vehicles. The application of advanced
                                                                              manufacturing in the light-weighting of military ground Vehicles
                               Biography: Massimo Ruzzene is the Pratt        will be discussed. Research and innovations in different areas
                               and Whitney Professor of Aerospace and         such as Friction Stir Welding and other Multi-material joining
                               Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech.        technologies, Additive Manufacturing, production processing
                               He is author of 2 books, 155 journal papers    and development of advanced steel and aluminum alloys,
                               and about 180 conference papers, and has       corrosion mitigation, etc., will be described.
                               participated to projects funded by the AFOSR,
        ARO, ONR, NASA, US Army, US Navy, DARPA, and NSF, as                                        Biography: Dr. Ravi Thyagarajan is a Science
        well as numerous companies. His work focuses on solid                                       and Technology (S&T) acquisition professional
        mechanics, structural dynamics and wave propagation with                                    and currently serves as the Senior Technical
        application to structural health monitoring, metamaterials, and                             Expert (STE) in Materials/Product Lifecycle
        vibration & noise control. M. Ruzzene is a Fellow of ASME, an                               engineering at US Army TARDEC, in Warren,
        Associate Fellow of AIAA, and a member of AHS, and ASA.                                     Michigan. He is responsible for helping shape
                                                                              the engineering and research direction for materials-related
xxiv                                                                          initiatives such as Light-weighting, Additive Manufacturing,
                                                                              Multi-material joining, Materials development, as well as
                                                                              Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in support of the same. His
                                                                              most recent assignment was as the TARDEC Deputy Chief
                                                                              Scientist for over three years.

                                                                              He started his civilian career in 2009 as a Senior Technical
                                                                              Specialist in TARDEC/Analytics where he was the M&S Lead
                                                                              for several underbody blast programs. He was the TARDEC
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