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                      Biography: Walter Lacarbonara is a Professor   for about three decades. Sophisticated multi-field/control
                      of Nonlinear Dynamics at Sapienza University.  coupling and multi-physics theories have been developed
                      During his graduate education he was           and numerous practical applications have also been proposed.
                      awarded a MS in Structural Engineering         This report focuses on histories, smart materials (e.g.,
                      (Sapienza University) and a MS in Engineering  piezoelectrics, electro-/magneto-/photo-strictive materials,
                      Mechanics (Virginia Tech, USA), and a PhD      shape memory materials, electro- and magneto-rheological
in Nonlinear Structural Dynamics. His research interests             fluids, polyelectrolyte gels, pyroelectric materials, magneto-
cover nonlinear structural dynamics; asymptotic techniques;          optical materials, superconductors, etc.), precision devices
nonlinear control of vibrations; experimental nonlinear              (sensors and actuators), micro-/nano-actuations, smart
dynamics; dynamic stability of structures (suspension/arch           structures, mechatronic and structronic systems, and photo-
bridges, aircraft wings, magnetically levitated rotating rings);     thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical systems encompassing
modeling and dynamics of macro and nanocomposites. He is             elastic, temperature, electric, magnetic, light, and control
Editor in Chief of Nonlinear Dynamics, Associate Editor of the       interactions. Designs are emphasized; modern research issues
Journal of Sound and Vibration, the ASME Journal of Applied          are also discussed.
Mechanics, and the International Journal of Aeronautical and
Space Sciences. He is currently serving as Chair of the ASME                               Biography: Hornsen (HS) Tzou is the Director    xxix
Technical Committee on Multibody System and Nonlinear                                      of Interdisciplinary Research Institute of
Dynamics. He served as general co-Chair and technical                                      Aeronautics and Astronautics in College of
program co-Chair of the ASME 2015 (Boston, USA) and 2013                                   Aerospace Engineering at Nanjing University
(Portland, USA) IDETC Conferences. He has organized over                                   of Aeronautics and Astronautics (09/2015-…),
10 international symposia and conference sessions.                                         the 1st-round National Professor and Fellow of
                                                                     the Chinese Thousand-Talent Program, ASME Fellow (1996),
His research is supported by national and international              Professor-Emeritus of the University of Kentucky and Chair-
sources. Among the most recent grants, PI of a European              Professor (03/2016-…) at Zhejiang University. He earned his
Office of Aerospace Research and Development/Air Force                M.S. and Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical Engineering at
Office of Scientific Research Grant titled “Bridging high              Purdue University in 1979 and 1983 respectively. He was
strength and dissipation in carbon nanotube composites”;             among the pioneers in “smart structures and structronic
co-Pi of an EOARD/AFOSR Grant titled “Highly reconfigurable,          systems.” His research and teaching interests encompass
multistable composites with tunable global/local morphing            hybrid multi-functional photo/flexo/megneto/electro/elastic
capability”; PI of a Bridgestone Grant titled “Nonlinear dynamic     structures, precision mechatronics, design and micro actuation
models of lightweight tires and experimental validation”.            of biomedical devices, dynamics and distributed sensing/
                                                                     control of discrete and distributed systems (shells, plates, etc.),
He has been awarded fellowships as a visting professor by            nonlinear joint/contact dynamics and control, etc. He was
JSPS (Tsukuba, Japan); IPST (College Park, MD, USA);                 invited and worked at the Institute of Space and Astronautical
IFSTTAR (Paris, France). He has published over 220 papers            Science (ISAS) (Kanagawa, Japan), Tohoku University (Sendai,
and conference proceedings, 3 patents, 10 book chapters,             Japan), the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg
and a Springer book (Nonlinear Structural Mechanics. Theory,         and German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR)
dynamical phenomena and modeling) for which he received              (Braunschweig, Germany), Amway Research R&D (IRI/ASEE
the 2013 Texty Award nomination by Springer US.                      Fellow, 1988), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) (2001
                                                                     Chair of International Cooperation), NASA Levis, Harbin
Track 5: Dynamics, Vibration, And Control                            Institute of Technology (China), National Taiwan University
                                                                     (NSC Chair Professor, 2006–07), etc. Dr. Tzou has won six
5-1-1: DYNAMICS, VIBRATION, AND CONTROL PLENARY                      paper awards (including ASME and AIAA Best Paper Awards),
                                                                     three NASA Class-1 New Technology Disclosure Awards (2001,
                      Wednesday, November 8, 8:00am–9:45am           2003 and 2009) and six ASME service awards. He has
                                Room 2, Tampa Convention Center      authored and co authored several research monographs and
                                                                     over 500 technical publications and was named “One of the
Smart Structures and Structronic Systems: Three-decades              Most Cited Authors,” by Journal of Sound of Vibration in
from Satellites, Precision Machines to Micro-, Nano-                 11/2006; “2011 top-ten cited paper” in Journal of Intelligent
Manipulations                                                        Material Systems and Structures and Elsevier 2014/2016 one
(IMECE2017-73538)                                                    of “the most cited researchers in Mechanical Engineering” in
                                                                     China. He authored Piezoelectric Shells (Distributed Sensing
Hornsen (HS) Tzou                                                    and Control of Continua) and Design of Smart Structures,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics                   Devices and Structronic Systems and edited six other books.
                                                                     He was Chair of ASME Board on Technical Knowledge
Abstract: The synergistic integration of smart materials,            Dissemination (BTKD), Executive Member of ASME Technical
structures, machines, sensors, actuators, and control                Communities Operating Board (TCOB) and Chair of ASME
electronics can transform conventional passive structures and        Interdisciplinary Councils, a founding member of the ASME
machines to active, adaptive, and “smart” structronic (structure     Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Committee, General
+ electronic) or mechatronic systems with inherent self-             Chair of the 2007 ASME International Design Technical
sensing, diagnosis, actuation and control capabilities.
Research and development of the emerging technology of
smart structures and structronic systems have been evolving
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