Page 17 - ASME IMECE 2017 Program
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Special Events TUESDAY
This lecture is concerned with a hybrid A/C system – a rather Women in Engineering Reception
innovative approach to air conditioning where the latent load is Sponsored by: Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Committee,
handled separately from the sensible load. This method Petroleum Division of the TEC Sector, and Women in
provides independent control of temperature and humidity and Engineering Community
hence delivers thermal comfort superior to that of conventional
systems. It also increases the overall energy efficiency relative 5:30pm–7:00pm
to conventional systems. A desiccant system, solid or liquid, is Grand Ballroom B, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
used for handling the latent heat load, where solar or waste
heat is used for desiccant regeneration. A preferred The reception provides a focal point at the conference for a
configuration combines closed-cycle absorption for handling gathering of women from the wide range of ASME activity for
the sensible load with open-cycle absorption for handling the networking and a bit of casual relaxation at the end of a
latent load. Internal heat recovery makes it possible to operate conference day. The event is open to all ASME women
the dehumidification part of the process without spending engineers and engineering students.
primary energy.
Koiter Lecture
The hybrid A/C system could be a game changer in the A/C
industry. It could be implemented in almost any central A/C 5:00pm–6:00pm
application. It would provide efficient operation powered by Grand Ballroom G, 2nd Floor, Tampa Marriott Waterside
low-grade heat with the potential of reducing the electric power
requirement for A/C significantly. Yang Wei, President of the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC)
Biography: At the Technion since 1973; Dean
of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Biography: Professor Yang Wei was born on February 16,
1997–2001; Head of Energy Engineering 1954, in Beijing, China. He completed his undergraduate study
Research Center 1975–1977, 2002–2007, at Northwestern Polytechnic University in December 1976,
2008–2011; Head of Solar Energy Laboratory received his MS degree from Department of Engineering
1982–87, 1989–present; Head of the Rechler Mechanics, Tsinghua University in April 1981, and Ph.D. degree
Cryogenic Cooling Laboratory, 2005–present. Head of Energy from Division of Engineering, Brown University, USA, in June
Forum, the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy 1985. He was promoted to the rank of full professor in
Research, 2005–present. Various administrative positions at December 1989, as the youngest professor in Tsinghua
Technion; Member of a number of Technion committees, University then. In December 1993, Professor Yang was
including Steering, Research and Academic Development appointed as the Director of the Failure Mechanics Laboratory
Committees. of the Ministry of Education in China. He served as the
Department Head of Engineering Mechanics from 1997 to
Visiting Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and 2004, and the Executive Dean of Aerospace School from May
Technology (NIST) Boulder, CO (2005, 2007, 2010), Lawrence to September of 2004 at Tsinghua University. He chaired the
Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (2001), the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University from April 2004 to
University of California, Irvine, CA (1987–89), Oak Ridge August 2006. From September 2004 to July 2006, he served
National Laboratory, TN (1983, 1985–87, 1990–95), Technische as the Director-General of the Academic Degrees Committee of
Universitaet Muenchen, Germany (1984, 1987), Council for State Council of China, and also as the Head of Directorate of
Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa (1978). Graduate Education in the Ministry of Education in China.
From August 2006 to February 2013, he took the position of
Consultant in energy conservation and solar energy utilization the President of Zhejiang University. Since February 2013, he
in Israel, USA, several other countries. has been appointed as the President of the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Senior Development Staff Member, Lockheed Martin Energy
Systems, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1995–96); Program Engineer Professor Yang was elected as a member of the Chinese
at L’Garde Inc., Tustin, CA (1987–89); Research Staff Member, Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2003. He served as the Head of
Union Carbide Nuclear Division, Oak Ridge, TN (1980–82); Staff the Technological Science Division of CAS from 2008 to 2012.
Scientist at AVCO Systems Division, Wilmington, MA (1971–73). Professor Yang became a member of TWAS in 2004. He also
served as the Chair of Engineering Science Division of TWAS
from 2010 to 2013. He received two National Natural Science xv
Awards, both as the first winner. He was the recipient of the
2008 Award for Mathematics and Mechanics by Ho Leung Ho
Lee Foundation, he received Brown Engineering Medal in 2009,
and the Zhou Peiyuan Award for Mechanics in 2011. He
received the Eric Reissner Medal by International Society of
Engineering Science in 2011, and the Calvin Rice Lecture
Award by American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2012.
He received an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering in
2011 by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and an Honorary
Degree of Doctor of Science in 2012 by Brown University, and