Page 129 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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11:27am – An Advanced Edge-Detection Method for                 3:24pm – Autonomous Detection of PV Panels Using a
Noncontact Structural Displacement Monitoring                   Drone
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12796                         Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12080
Xin Bai, Mijia Yang, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND,  Hesham Ismail, DEWA, Dubai, United Arab Emir., Rufaidah
United States                                                   Chikte, Akash Bandyopadhyay, Amity University, Dubai,
                                                                Dubai, United Arab Emir., Nawal Al Jasmi, DEWA, Dubai,
11:48am – Drive-by Bridge Damage Identification Through          Dubai, United Arab Emir.
Virtual Simulations
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12797                         5-4 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF ROBOTS,
Mijia Yang, Chang Liu, North Dakota State University, Fargo,    MECHANISMS AND STRUCTURES
ND, United States
                                                                5-4-4 Mechanism Design II  2:00PM–3:45PM
12:09pm – Design of Dynamic Plant Model and Model-              Convention Center, 255E
Based Controller for Hot Blast Stove
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13333                         Session Organizer: Hong Zhou, Texas A&M University-
Jaeyoung Cho, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea           Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, United States
(Republic), Kwanghwa Kim, Changyong Oh, Hyundeok Kim,
Yootaek Jeon, Hyundai Steel, Dangjin-si, Korea (Republic),      Session Co-Organizer: Kiwon Sohn, University of Hartford,
Han Ho Song, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea            West Hartford, CT, United States
                                                                2:00pm – Miniature Humanoid Upgrade for Material
5-2 GENERAL                                                     Handling Tasks in Humanoid Challenge
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10193
5-2-3 General Dynamics, Vibration and Control III               Kiwon Sohn, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, United
Convention Center, 255D 2:00PM–3:45PM                           States, Jeongkyu Lee, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport,
                                                                CT, United States, Kevin Huang, Trinity College, Hartford, CT,
Session Organizer: Zhibin Lin, North Dakota State University,   United States
Fargo, ND, United States
                                                                2:21pm – Design, Modeling, and Development of a
Session Co-Organizer: Xiangqing Tangpong, North Dakota          Compliant Dual Resonator-Isolator
State University, Fargo, ND, United States                      Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10299
                                                                Boris Jerkovic, Abram Rowell, Nathan Ellis, Ayse Tekes,
2:00pm – Simultaneous and Iterative Estimation of Vehicle       Kennesaw State University, Marietta, GA, United States
Ride Model States and Parameters
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11260                    2:42pm – An Experimental Investigation of
Lakshmi S, Krishna Kumar Ramarathnam, Indian Institute of       Electrorheological Fluid Damper Recoil System Used in
Technology Madras, Chennai, TamilNadu, India                    Heavy Duty Application
                                                                Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10424
2:21pm – Soot Mass Estimation From Electrical                   Santosh Patil, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology
Capacitance Tomography Imaging for a Diesel Particulate         Rajaramnagar, Sangli, Maharastra, India, S. Krishna, MSRIT,
Filter                                                          Bangalore, Maharastra, India, Sanjaykumar Gawade, R.G.
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11295                    Desavale, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Rajaramnagar,
Salah E.K. Hassan, Sohel Anwar, Indiana University Purdue       Sangli, Maharastra, India
University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States
                                                                3:03pm – Flow Control and Separation Delay in Morphing
2:42pm – Effect of Silicone Damping on Work Vibration in        Wing Aircraft Using Traveling Wave Actuation
CNC Milling Process                                             Poster Presentation. IMECE2019-13830
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11346                    Anthony Olivett, Mostafa Tavakkoli Anbarani, M. Amin
Ahm Rahman, Issam Abu-Mahfouz, Scott Carbaugh, Penn             Karami, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY,
State Harrisburg, Middletown, PA, United States                 United States

3:03pm – Combining FEA and Field Measurement                    3:24pm – Designing and Analyzing Savonius Wind Turbines
Techniques for Dynamic Machinery Foundation Design              Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10761
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11846                    Varun Manne, Hong Zhou, Texas A&M University-Kingsville,
Seth Cunningham, Benjamin A. White, Nathan Poerner,             Kingsville, TX, United States
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States

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