Page 54 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 54


                       As part of Rebuilding of Bridges, Insertion of Precast RCC boxes have
                       been  completed  for  12  bridges,  against  the  annual  target  of  12  Nos
                       during  the  year.  Progress  achieved  is  143%  against  proportionate

                       target. The details are as under
                              2020-2021                2021-22                 (Upto Oct- 22)

                      Target       Progress      Target     Progress       Target         Progress
                         15            12          12           15            12             10

               Details of completed Bridges (upto Oct’22) are as given below

                       S no            Bridge No                 Location            section

                         1                 136                     96/8-9            KZJ-BZA
                         2                 139                     97/5-6            KZJ-BZA

                         3                  65                     57/6-7            KZJ-BZA
                         4                725 up                 536/15-17           KZJ-BZA

                         5                507 up                 390/15-17           KZJ-BZA
                         6                733 up                 546/15-17           KZJ-BZA

                         7                569 up                  430/7-9            KZJ-BZA

                         8                716 up                 528/21-23           KZJ-BZA
                         9                Br 204                 209/31-29           KZJ-BPQ

                        10         SC station Pipe line           194/2-8            SC-KZJ

               1.3.2. REBUILDING OF BRIDGES:
                       SC  division  has  successfully  completed  rebuilding  of  bridges  of  old
                       stone top culverts with new 3 vent RCC box bridge. These 3 bridges are

                       important in KZJ-BZA section ie Br no 697 UP, Br no 692 DN & Br no 518
                       UP  were  planned  to  utilise  the  best  opportunity  of  mega  blocks
                       availabe during the lockdown period. The rebuilding of these bridges
                       were  pending  since  last  3  years  due  to  requirement  of  longer  block.
                       During  the  blocks  all  precautions  were  taken  against  COVID  and
                       scorching heat for railway and contractual staff. With this long pending
                       pink  book  work  of  division  has  now    been  completed  successfully
                       before mansoon season.

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