Page 21 - Book Chapter
P. 21

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik


            Prophetic-humanization  communication  behavior is a response action or
            communication  that  represents  perceptual  awareness  to  elevate  humanity. This
            study was to investigate models of the effect of e-literacy maturity level (as an
            integration  of  information  literacy,  media  literacy,  moral  literacy,  and  learning
            and thinking skill) on the prophetic-humanization  communication  behavior
            through information behavior for lecturers of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
            This study employed data by distributing questionnaires to 91 respondents that
            had  been  an  explanatory  research  approach  with  stratified  technique  from  the
            989  lecturers.  Simultaneously,  the  results  showed  that  the  e-literacy  maturity
            level significantly affected the prophetic-humanization communication behavior
            through information behavior. Meanwhile, information literacy, media literacy,
            moral literacy, and learning and thinking skill had partially different influences
            on  the  prophetic-humanization  communication  behavior  through  information
            behavior.  Significantly,  this  research  had  recommended  a  strategy  to  teach  the
            integrated e-literacy program on campus as an Islamic community in the global

            Keywords: e-literacy, information behavior, communication prophetic.

                                    I. INTRODUCTION
                The freedom of communication in electronic media as human information
            behavior is a challenge for the Muslim community. It>s generally related
            to ethical and moral issues in the use of electronic information resources.
            The previous studies of information behavior generally do not conflict with
            humanization  (Bilawar  &  Pujar,  2016;  Houtman,  2015;  Penner,  2009).
            However, research on the e-literacy maturity level related to the values of
            humanization that has been exemplified by Prophet Muhammad SAW as
            prophetic ethics in communication has never existed.
                “Sunnah Rasulullah” as prophetic ethics in presenting the value of the
            Qur’an in the dynamic social construction has been successfully described
            by Kuntowijoyo (2007) in the prophetic social science. The basis of his
            philosophy is embodied in the concept of “amar ma>ruf nahi munkar”, as
            the word of the God in the letter of Al-Imran verse 110: ‘You are the best
            nation [ever] brought forth for mankind: you bid what is right and forbid
            what  is  wrong,  and  have  faith  in  Allah’.  According  to  Kuntowijoyo’s
            theory,    Muktiyo  (2011)  states  that  the  religious  ethical  values  of  the
            verse close to prophetic communication, because the values of the Qur’an
            and Sunnah derived from the prophetic spirit. So, it has the same slice.
            Prophetic communication is not just a matter of dakwah, but it’s a broad

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