Page 24 - Book Chapter
P. 24

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

            prophetic  communication  through  information  behavior.  Moreover,  the
            objective of the study is to analyze the effects of the integrated e-literacy
            model  on prophetic-humanization  communication  behavior  through
            information behavior among the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta lecturers.
            It  is  expected  to  find  an  integrated  model  of  e-literacy  on prophetic-
            humanization communication behavior through information behavior. The
            significances of the study are to recommend what the first priority program
            of  e-literacy  to  be  aware  of  using  electronic  media  in  humanization

                                II. LITERATURE REVIEW

            A. The Social Cognition Theory
                The theory of social cognition (SCT) has elaborated by Bandura. The
            basic idea of this theory is the Miller and Dollar>s Social Learning Theory
            of learning to imitate (Bandura 1977). Bandura has a reason that human
            imitates the behavior, especially in the mass media. The replication can be
            acquired directly from the observed behavior as imitation and identified
            behavior that the observer does not exactly duplicate what he observes but
            makes it more general and has a corresponding response as identification
            (Morissan 2016).
                The previous studies in Severin and Tankard (2009) illustrated that
            there  were  many  kinds  of  learning  models  through  the  observation  of
            others. Humans are to realize to take a benefit from his observation. Beings
            learning  through  observation  of  some  others  makes  different  behavior.
            Furthermore, this theory assumes that mass media is the main socialization
            agent in addition to other sources, such as family, school, and community
            environment. It is contributory in studying the effects of media content
            at the individual level, which provides different roles, such as teaching
            reading and writing, transferring of knowledge, technology, ethical and
            moral values (Fogenay 2013; Ho et al. 2017).
                The model of Bandura’s theory illustrates that human thinking and
            behavior are determined by three different factors that interact with each
            other divergent power variations. The process is called the triadic reciprocal
            causation. The three causes of reciprocity are: 1) personal characteristic; 2)
            environmental; 3) behavior determinant (Bandura 2001). Bandura (2001)
            highlights the importance of unique personal characteristic factors such
            as symbolizing, self-regulatory, self-reflective, and vicarious capacities).

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