Page 27 - Book Chapter
P. 27
Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik
criticism intelligently and patiently (az-Zummar: 39-40; al-An>am: 116),
avoiding jokes that exaggerated (HR Abu Dhar), conveying the message
gently (Thaha: 44, al-Imran: 159), conveying the message with noble
words (al-Isra: 23) by saying (apologizing and giving) the word apology
(Al-An>aam: 54, HR Muslim) and thanked words (HR Al-Thabarany,
HR Al-Turmudzi, HR Ahmad, HR Abdullah bin Ahmad), and conveying
useful words (HR Yunus ibn Ubaidillah).
The object of the research was the lecturers of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta as many as 989 scattered in 11 faculties with the amount of
different composition. The primary data were 91 questionnaires of the
lecturers that were selected by stratified random sampling technique with
the aim of making homogeneous properties of the population considered
heterogeneous (Cochran 1977; Krisyanto 2014). The sample size was
obtained by Taro Yamane formula of the known population size (Riduan &
Kuncoro 2011), with 10% precision and 95% confidence level.
Data was collected in questionnairy form. The questionnaire was
divided into 6 variables: information literacy (X1), media literacy (X2),
moral literacy (X3), learning and thinking skill (X4), information behavior
(Z), prophetic-humanization communication behavior (Y). Measurements
were categorized using the interval scale 1 - 5. The raw obtained data was
interpreted in the qualitative sense: 5 = Very High (ST); 4 = Height (T); 3
= Medium (S); 2 = Low (R); and 1 = Very Low (SR).
The validation test of the questionnaire showed that all items of the
question had significant value 0.000 (smaller than) < α = 0.05, and the
annul of r-test 0.579 was above r-table 0.206. It meant that the instrument
had been valid. Likewise, the results of reliability tests showed the value of
Cronbach>s Alpha 0.872 (greater than) > 0.7, it meant that the instrument
was reliable.
Meanwhile, the hypothesized model was tested with using path
analysis, SPSS 22. It is a statistical analysis technique developed from
multiple regression analysis, as explained by Riduan & Kuncoro (2011)
basically this path analysis is a standardized regression coefficient that is
regression coefficient calculated from database set in standard number or
Z-score (dataset with average value = 0 and standard deviation = 1). This
method was used to test the strength or absence of correlation of two or
more related variables to independent variables with a significant value
362 An Analysis of Integrated E-Literacy ...