Page 28 - Book Chapter
P. 28

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

            of 0.05 consisting of correlation test with a coefficient of determination,
            F-test, and T-test.
                This  statistical  hypothesis  test  was  done  accordingly  by  research
            design. The empirical causal relation framework between paths was made
            through the structure equations:
            (1) Z = pzx1 + pzx2 + pzx3 + pzx4 + pz∗1;
            (2) Y = pyx1 + pyx2 + pyx3 + pyx4 + pyz + py∗2.

                               IV. DATA AND DISCUSSION

            A. The Description of Respondents
                Demographic variables showed that respondents communicated
            through  multiple  media:  computer  (94.5%),  smartphone  (87.9%),  TV
            (58.2%),  and  radio  only  38.5%.  Data  showed  that  78%  of  respondents
            accessing the internet at home and 89% of respondents do it on campus.
            For  gender,  53.8  %  of  respondents  were  male. As  for  the  educational
            background  of  the  respondents,  the  data  show  73.6%  master  level  and
            26.4% doctoral level; respondents who have one of the strata in Islamic
            Higher Education are 71.4%.
                The  following  is  an  overview  of  each  variable  of  respondents.
            Information literacy is measured by 12 statements compiled in 7 indicators.
            From table 1 it is found that exploring appropriate sources and information
            is the highest, 4.23 in scale 5. The lowest average number is assessing
            output based on input from others (3.63). The cumulative percentage of
            information literacy among lecturers of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is
            high. It means that the information literacy maturity level of the lecturers’
            is high. Information literacy is considered to influence the humanization-
            prophetic  communication  behavior  through  information  behavior  as  a
            personal characteristic factor in motivating the need and use of information
            in electronic communication media.

                                  TABEL 1.INFORMATION LITERACY

            Ade Abdul Hak                                                 363
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33