Page 33 - Book Chapter
P. 33

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

                Model 2 viewed that H2b (-0.266; sig. 0.10), H2c (0.313; sig. 0.001),
            and H2e (0.547; sig. 0.000) significantly had an effect. The moral literacy
            and information behavior had positive effect on the prophetic-humanization
            communication behavior, but media literacy had negative. Meanwhile, the
            information literacy and learning & thinking skill had no significant effect
            on the prophetic-humanization communication behavior. Moreover, H2a
            (0.044; sig. 0.700) and H2d (0.223; sig. 0.073) were rejected.

                                     TABEL 8. COEFFICIENT a

               Model                  Unstandardized   Standardized   t   Sig.
                                       Coefficients   Coefficients
                                       B      Std.      Beta
               1    (Constant)        2,032   4,512               ,450   ,654
                    Information Literacy   ,391   ,157     ,280   2,486   ,015
                    Media Literacy    -,050    ,131        -,040   -,378   ,706
                    Moral Literacy     ,284    ,163        ,154   1,741   ,085
                    Learning &         ,530    ,125        ,488   4,237   ,000
                    Thinking Skill
               a. Dependent Variable: Information Behavior

               Model                  Unstandardized   Standardized   t   Sig.
                                       Coefficients   Coefficients
                                       B      Std.      Beta
               2    (Constant)       13,328   5,757               2,315   ,023
                    Information Literacy   ,080   ,208     ,044   ,387   ,700
                    Media Literacy    -,439    ,167        -,266     -  ,010
                    Moral Literacy     ,760    ,211        ,313   3,594   ,001
                    Learning &         ,318    ,175        ,223   1,816   ,073
                    Thinking Skill
                    Information        ,720    ,137        ,547   5,238   ,000
               a. Dependent Variable: Humanization-Prophetic Communication Behavior

                                       Source: Primary Data

            C. The Discussion of Study
                The analyses of this study indicate that e-literacy (the integrated model
            of information literacy, media literacy, moral literacy, and thinking and
            learning skill) and information behavior relate positively and significantly
            to prophetic-humanization communication behavior. In other words, the
            integrated  model  of  information  literacy,  media  literacy,  moral  literacy,
            and  learning  &  thinking  skill  concerning  with  electronic  or  mediated
            communication issues as a personal characteristic determinant effectively

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