Page 32 - Book Chapter
P. 32

               Using the search tool/engine in finding the required information
               Using information as new knowledge in understanding the
               Using information to confirm the accuracy of information to be
               more prudent in the face of various events
               Using information in strengthening credibility and self-status
               Using information as a communication material with family,
               friends or other communities
               Using information in releasing tension and passion in the search
               for entertainment
               Using the search tool/engine in finding the required information
               Using information as new knowledge in understanding the
               environment          Indicators               4,3516   Deviation
               Using information to confirm the accuracy of information to be   4,1374   ,77483
               more prudent in the face of various events
               Using information in strengthening credibility and self-status    3,9231   ,76992
                           Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik
               Using information as a communication material with family,   3,9524   ,78970
               friends or other communities
            H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Therefore, it could be concluded
               Using information in releasing tension and passion in the search
            that the information literacy, media literacy, moral literacy, and learning &
               for entertainment

            thinking skill simultaneously influenced to the information behavior; and,

            that the information literacy, media literacy, moral literacy, learning and
            thinking skill, and information behavior simultaneously influenced to the
            prophetic-humanization communication behavior.  4,0440    ,75147
                Spreading the greetings
                Furthermore, based on table 7, the values of R square (r2) were 0.645
                Conveying a message with noble words or say sorry    4,0330   ,86217
            and 0.671. The view proved that simultaneously the effect of the maturity
                Conveying messages with polite and courteous words
                Understanding and being careful in using slang
            level of information literacy, media literacy, moral literacy, and learning and
                Avoiding indecent words
            thinking skill on the IB (model 1), by calculating the coefficient terminated
                Responding to criticism intelligently and patiently
            (CT), CT = r2 x 100 %, CT = 0.645 x 100% = 64.5%. Then, the effect of
                Avoiding excessive jokes
            the maturity level of information literacy, media literacy, moral literacy,
                Conveying a message gently
                Conveying useful words
            learning  and  thinking  skill,  and  information  behavior  on  the  prophetic-
                Saying thanks
            humanization communication behavior (model 2) was 67.1%.   ,74010

                                    TABEL 7. MODEL SUMMARY

                Model     R        R Square   Adjusted   R   Std.  Error  of  the
                                            Square         Estimate
                1         ,803   a  ,645    ,628           5,309
                a. Predictors: (Constant), Learning & Thinking Skill, Moral Literacy, Media Literacy,
                Information Literacy

                Model     R        R Square   Adjusted   R   Std.  Error  of  the
                                            Square         Estimate
                2         ,819   a  ,671    ,652           6,766
                a. Predictors: (Constant), Information Behavior, Moral Literacy, Media Literacy, Information Literacy,
                Learning & Thinking Skill

                                          Source: Primary Data

                Partially, the effect of the information literacy, media literacy, literacy

            moral,  and  learning  &  thinking  skill  on  the  information  behavior  had

            been described in the table 8 (model 1). The results of the Standardized

            Coefficient or Beta value provided the value for each variable. The effect of

            information literacy on the information behavior was 0.28, the formulation
            of statistical hypotheses: H1a:   pyx1 = 0; H1a:   pyx1 ≠ 0, views (sig.)
            0.015, where the value was less than the probability of 0.05, or 0.015 <
            0.05; so that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It meant that the path
            coefficients were significant. Thus, information literacy was a considerable
            influence to the information behavior by 0.280. The path coefficients of
            H1b and H1c, as the effect of media and moral literacy on information
            behavior,  had  no  significant  with  the  probability  more  than  0.05  (sig.
            0.706; sig. 0.085). H1d (learning and thinking skill) was a significantly
            and positively effect on the information behavior by 0.488 (sig. 000).
            Ade Abdul Hak                                                 367
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