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P. 29

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

                                 Indicators                 Mean      Std.
                Identifying topics / subjects and types of information sources   4,2088   ,61943
                Exploring appropriate sources and information   4,2308   ,73525
                Selecting relevant information, and collect appropriate   4,1264   ,61280
                Evaluating and arranging information according to a logical   4,0440   ,77692
                arrangement distinguishing between facts and opinions
                Creating information using their own words; to edit; and to   4,0495   ,73807
                create bibliography or generate new works
                Assessing output based on contribution from others   3,6374   ,79605
                Applying participation for future activities   3,9670   ,79513

                                        Indicators                  Mean      Std.
                                          Source: Primary Data              Deviation

                       Identifying topics / subjects and types of information sources   4,2088   ,61943

                       Exploring appropriate sources and information
                Furthermore,  media  literacy  is  measured  by  10  statements  in  4
                       Selecting relevant information, and collect appropriate
            indicators. From table 2, it is viewed that 4 indicators forming variables
        Using the functions of various types of communication   3,8755   ,76441   4,0440   ,77692
            of media literacy, using the functions of various types of communication
                       Evaluating and arranging information according to a logical
        media          arrangement distinguishing between facts and opinions
            media is the highest, 3.87. The cumulative percentage of media literacy
        Analyzing the benefits and losses of media ownership on the   3,7857   ,79980   4,0495   ,73807
                       Creating information using their own words; to edit; and to
        content of mass media messages   that the media literacy of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
            is medium. It shows graphy or generate new works
                       create biblio
        Evaluating the content of mass media messages    3,6813   ,89015   3,6374   ,79605
            Jakarta lecturers almost has not significantly shown the ability to improve
                       Assessing output based on contribution from others
        Communicating messages in various media forms    3,0989   1,07812   3,9670   ,79513
                       Applying participation for future activities
            the performance of their daily activities through this literacy.

                         Indicators   TABEL 2. MEDIA LITERACY   Std.
                                Indicators                  Deviation   Std.
        Distinguishing the use of correct/false communication   3,8571   ,77562   Deviation
        media in accordance with prevailing social norms    3,8755   ,76441
               Using the functions of various types of communication
        Distinguishing the use of correct/false communication   3,9341   ,78248
        media in accordance with religious norm             3,7857   ,79980
               Analyzing the benefits and losses of media ownership on the
        Understanding the responsibilities and risks legally the use   4,0549   ,67680
               content of mass media messages
        of information from a particular source             3,6813   ,89015
               Evaluating the content of mass media messages
        Applying social and religious norms in the use of   3,9505   3,0989   1,07812
               Communicating messages in various media forms
        information from certain sources of information
                                        Source: Primary Data

                                Indicators                  Mean      Std.
                Moral literacy is measured by 8 statements in 4 indicators. From table
               Distinguishing the use of correct/false communication
            3,  it  is  known  that  understanding  the  responsibilities  and  risks  legally
                Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of potential possessed
               media in accordance with prevailing social norms
            the  use  of  information  from  a  particular  source  is  the  highest  average
               Distinguishing the use of correct/false communication
                Managing potential strengths and weaknesses
            category 4.05 on a scale of 5. Furthermore, this is followed sequentially
               media in accordance with religious norm
                Indicating ideas
               Understanding the responsibilities and risks legally the use
            with other indicators, namely:  applying social and religious norms in the
                Exploring ideas
               of information from a particular source
                Connecting ideas in an original way
            use of information from certain sources of information; distinguishing the
               Applying social and religious norms in the use of

            use  of  correct/false  communication  media  in  accordance  with  religious
               information from certain sources of information

            norms; and, distinguishing the use of correct/false communication media

            in accordance with prevailing social norms. The cumulative percentage of

            moral literacy among UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta lecturers is high. It   Std.

            means that the moral literacy of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta lecturers  ,65232
                                              nesses of potential possessed
                      Evaluating the strengths and weak
                      Managing potential strengths and weaknesses
            has significantly shown the ability     to improve the performance of their  ,58233
                      Indicating ideas                               4,0220   ,75980
                      Exploring ideas                                4,0000   ,70317

            364       Connecting ideas in an original way   An Analysis of Integrated E-Literacy ... ,66391
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