Page 25 - Book Chapter
P. 25
Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik
Symbolization, as one of the object study of Bandura theory, illustrates that
humans have the potential to understand and use the variegated symbols
that allow humans to store, process and transform experience into the
various cognitive models that will guide them in actions or make decisions
in the future (Fryling, Johnston & Hayes 2011; Mitra 2010; Rustika 2012;
Carone and Barone 2001).
B. E-Literacy and Information Behavior
In the information behavior context, e-literacy is one of the most
important individual or institutional capabilities to be successful in
ensuring an era that human being employs electronic tools and facilities
(Indrajit 2005). Martin (in Secker & Price 2005) explains that e-literacy
is a computer literacy skill integrated with information literacy, media
literacy, moral literacy, and learning & thinking skill.
As described by Bertelsmann & AOL Time-Warner (Iriantara 2009),
this computer literacy can be related to the strength of utilizing new
electronic media and communicating information selectively. Information
literacy is the ability to collect, organizes, filter, and evaluate information
and form strong opinions. Media literacy as media creativity is a capacity
for developing wherever to create and disseminate content for a variety of
audiences. Moral literacy is the responsibility and social competence for
the social consequences of online publications. The learning and thinking
skill are the sense described as to evaluate and manage the strengths and
weaknesses of their potential for realistic goals as their completion criteria;
and the ability defined as to generate, explore and connect ideas originally
(ProQual Awarding Body 2013).
The information behavior in exhausting electronic media might be an
information seeking behavior, explicitly the effort that is revealed someone
when searching and interacting with the information system; and, the
information use behavior as a physical or mental effort by a person when
combining the information he finds with the previous basic knowledge
(Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad & Zainab, 2009; Wilson, 2000). Bandura discloses
that audiences will absorb much of the knowledge, skills, experience, and
social values and moral rules of information models (such as text, audio,
or video) for reference and action ahead (Sumadiria 2014). Furthermore,
Bandura (in Rustika 2012) illustrates that the observed model by audiences
used as a figure who acts as an intermediary in this appreciation process.
C. Prophetic Communication Behavior
In relationship terms of communication behavior with the development
360 An Analysis of Integrated E-Literacy ...