Page 22 - Book Chapter
P. 22

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

            humanitarian issue. Wherein it contains oriented communication to “amar
            ma’ruf” (humanization), “nahi munkar” (liberation), and “tu>minu billahi”
                Humanization  (amr  ma>ruf)  is  something  that  involves  a  dynamic
            society. That is a fixed value of goodness; but in practice, it’s adapted to
            the context of perfection in society. Having the values of liberation (nahi
            munkar) is leaving something that is hated or rejected by society. Therefore,
            the call of good deeds does not deserve in the wrong way. Conversely, the
            prohibition of something wrong must be ethical with the norms prevailing
            in the society. However, the responsibility for upholding these values of
            humanization and liberation must be ideal within the framework of faith in
            God. Both tasks are two-sided inseparable from transcendence (tu>minu
            billahi)(Kuntowijoyo, 2007; Syahputra, 2007).
                Based  on  the  description,  prophetic  communication  is  an  ideal
            communication model for Muslim communities. As  the largest  Muslim
            community in the world, Indonesia has the number of Islamic universities.
            The numbers, which is about 6.000, is the highest in the world (Sasongko,
            2015). One of them is UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Since its founding in
            1957, the role of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has been very significant
            in advancing the Muslim community (Rosyada 2016).  As a leading Islamic
            university in Indonesia, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has lecturers with
            the  educational  background  of  “pesantren”  or  Islamic  boarding  school.
            This educational background makes them more familiar with prophetic
            and ethics issues, especially in providing a model for social order to use
            communication media. In fact, too easy in the process of communication
            through the ICT advancement, having less control of ethics, psychology,
            science, social, or political is unavoidable. Tubbs and Moss (2005) define
            that mediated communication has the potential data sensed more limited
            recipient,  and  the  receiver  has  inadequate  control  of  his  sources.  The
            sample is a case of the persistence of the spread of fake news (hoaxes) in
            the electronic communications network. Revealing by UGM sociologist,
            Widhyharto (in Sihaloho, M. J. 2016), that the phenomenon of hoaxes is
            unstoppable. Based on the wishes of the people who tend to the euphoria of
            modern technology, even educated people, they utilize intentionality their
            knowledge to produce not valid additional information.
                For  the  academic  members  that  knew  and  accustomed  to  employ
            digital devices easily, the problem was not occurred by the digital divide
            in accessing to information infrastructure (such as internet access via a
            smartphone). However, this is more likely to be viewed as different digital
            divide due to the low level of e-literacy, which has been defined by Martin

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