Page 35 - Book Chapter
P. 35

Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik

            literacy and learning and thinking skill has a direct and significant effect
            on prophetic-liberation communication behavior (Hak, Rachmawati, Hak,
            & Rachmawati, 2018).
                The expected information literacy and learning & thinking skill afford
            self-efficacy using information resources to face a life. In line with the
            previous research by Ilogho and Nkiko (2014, 4), this understanding of
            information literacy has very important implications. In this case, someone
            must be able to identify what and why information is needed as well as how
            much is really in accordance with the right time and the ability to access it
            in various available formats. Moreover, it is an appropriate real-time action
            for people to get the most updated information keeping up with the world
            around  them  (Sundar,  1999). The  lecturers  of  UIN  Syarif  Hidayatullah
            Jakarta are considering to know the necessity and responsibility for the use
            of media in gathering the needs. Based on Rosengren (in Chiu & Huang
            2015), «Individuals are affected by the social environment and individual
            characteristics, generating their basic needs.» Individually, the differences
            of  lecturers  effect  on  seeking,  using,  and  responding  to  media  content
            inversely  depending  on  the  various  social  and  psychological  factors  as
            stated by  Marisson (2014).
                Meanwhile, the learning & thinking skill is one of the determining
            factors for the lecturers of Syarif Hidayatullah UIN Jakarta in the activity
            of  using  information  systems  as  part  of  their  communication  behavior.
            Budd (in Ruben & Stewart, 2014, pp. 239–240) reveals that when someone
            reacts in communication, the person will unconsciously involve himself
            further and have long-term consequences. The processed information in its
            involvement will cognitively develop interpretations and representations
            of the various results of the internalization of the world that allow him
            to  think  and  understand  what  he  is  undergoing. Thus,  the  learning  and
            thinking skill will make someone to bring up these representations when
            communicating with his environment.
                According to prior Bandura’s, information literacy and media literacy
            categorized as the ability of symbolization, and the learning and thinking
            skill as vicarious capacities (Middleton et al., 2018). At that point, moral
            literacy is the ability to apply the moral values in the communication (as self-
            regulatory and self-reflective of personal characteristics). This capability
            relates to the responsibility to account for the social consequences of online
            publications (Bertelsmann & AOL Time-Warner in Iriantara 2009). Clifford
            (2011) affirms this ability relates to the capacity to make judgments about
            whether or not decisions are of the most diverse.
                In this case, moral literacy encourages the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
            Jakarta  lecturers  to  observe  and  use  the  good  information  electronic

            370                                   An Analysis of Integrated E-Literacy ...
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