Page 131 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 131
change for a c h _ n _ e or even have some fun accenting the
As you stroll through life from this point forward, you’re going
to remember to c _ n t _ _ yourself and use your “I’m taming my
gremlin” mantra. It will help you stay centered if you pay attention
to the miraculous s h _ a t h that separates you from all else—your s
_ _ n. And it will be helpful, too, for you to remember that your b r
_ _ _ h _ n g is both a barometer and a regulator of your experience.
Love from your pal,
(Sign here the name by which you most like to be called.)
We’ve covered a lot of ground together. Whether your mind has
assimilated it all is immaterial. What is important is that the natural you has
time to assimilate it. For that reason, I’d like to suggest that you take breaks
often as you read this book. Certainly, if you get confused or distracted,
stop reading for a while. We’ll continue on together when you are in the
mood. I’m not going anywhere.