Page 133 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 133
I’m never sure what it means to people using it. Does it mean that they will
explode, melt, or disintegrate?
When you hear can’t or the phrase I can’t rumbling around in your head,
be alert to the possible presence of your gremlin. Breathe and center
yourself. Use your “I’m taming my gremlin” mantra. Consider rephrasing
the words you have just spoken or thought, replacing can’t with won’t or
will or will not with choose to or choose not to. This will remind you of
your responsibility for the limitation and in some cases your ability to
remove a limitation.
When you have done this you might consider adding the words “until
now” at the end or beginning of the thought or spoken phrase. This phrase
is one of the most powerful tools you have for taming your gremlin on the
spot. For example, you might change:
I can’t tell him what I feel.
I choose not to tell him what I feel.
Until now I have chosen not to tell him what I feel.
If your choice is to continue to do as you have always done until now,
that is neither good nor bad. All that is important in this aspect of Gremlin-
Taming is that you take responsibility for your choice. Simply notice
whether your choice is based on a feared consequence or on a past
experience rather than on the present situation and your desired outcome. If
so, you might wish to come out of the world of mind long enough to assess
the validity of your fear given the current moment.