Page 128 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 128

Play with making the characteristic bigger, smaller, or nonexistent. And
                keep this project all to yourself. It’s a personal matter, a secret between you
                and you, an inner sport, a way to help yourself to a better you. If you have a

                characteristic you really want to doll up or dampen, you would do well to
                include it in your practice of positive visualization and positive self-talk.
                Your primary motive is to expand the space between you and the
                characteristic so that you can view it with a sense of detachment, and gain
                the free will to do some creative choreography with your own personality
                and performance.

                     Keep in mind that your confining, negative, and/or outdated concepts
                and behaviors come from a massive number of folks and factors, so for

                heaven’s sake don’t waste time seeking out someone to blame—least of all
                your parents. Parents are easy targets, and too often they get a bad rap. Most
                parents I’ve met try their darndest to do right by their kids, and while I’m
                not sure about your parents’ intentions or actions, I know for certain that if
                you cling to the belief that your shortcomings are their fault or, sillier yet,
                their responsibility, you won’t sink all the way into the fulfillment and

                contentment you deserve.

                     As you practice taming your gremlin by simply noticing, choosing and
                playing with options, shining a bright light on old habits and concepts, and
                experimenting with new behaviors, you will learn, or relearn, perhaps on a
                deeper level than before, that you are in charge of your life. It’s true. Like it
                or not you are, indeed, in charge. And if that realization has not left you
                shaking in your boots, then you have not fully had it.

                                                Your Life Is Your Life

                     One way or another we all at some point get hit in the face by a blast of
                wind, open our eyes, and see that we are not only on the bow of a colossal
                sailboat on an open sea, but that we’re the captain of the damned thing.
                Once you glimpse this fact of life, you have some choices. You can squeeze
                your eyes shut and make believe you don’t have to take the wheel, you can
                run around flapping your arms and yelling “Somebody take the wheel,
                somebody take the wheel,” or you can take the wheel and learn to handle it.
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