Page 5 - TOWER Code
P. 5
dubai, u.a.e. - october 2006 jumeirah village - Towers development code
Introduction introduction
The Eight Principles of Jumeirah Village symmetry through an organized radial pattern and median
streets that end in a large-scale central park. At the same
Jumeirah Village is a community designed to embody a vision time, the design also allows neighborhoods and open spaces
of peace, harmony, health, and happiness – a community with to occur in a more natural, pedestrian friendly manner.
the highest standards of quality of life created by capturing
the best characteristics of Arab and Western culture. Overall, Mixed Use
eight principles form the foundation of Jumeirah Village: Actively mixed uses are a part of many of the most dynamic
and successful communities throughout the world. Mixing
Sense of Peace and Community uses promotes accessibility to major community features
Jumeirah Village promotes an environment that features such as parks and commercial centers and provides natural
peace and harmony among neighbors. Emphasis is placed gathering places for residents. Jumeirah Village intertwines
upon creating an atmosphere that promotes friendship, uses in a manner that builds both economic viability and a
family, healthy interaction and other dynamic traits that sense of community.
set the neighborhoods of this community apart from other
development. Icons and Focal Points
Landmarks are an important component of the community as
Pedestrian Friendliness a tool for sense of direction, community recognition, and local
Walking and biking are more than exercise. They are an pride. The unique towers, the central park, the interconnected
invitation to meet friends, allow children to play, and live life series of open spaces, the meandering water feature, and
at a slower pace. The design of Jumeirah Village promotes the town centers are all icons that are unique to Jumeirah
walking, biking and other alternatives through creation of a Village.
convenient and entertaining atmosphere, including features
such as pedestrian access, landscaping, stores, street Strong Public Space & Private Space
furniture, architectural detail, and open spaces. A home is recognized as a place for privacy throughout Arab
and Western culture. Today, the opportunity for privacy is
Water and Green Space increasingly more important as a healthy escape from the
Green spaces and water represent a healthy life and bustle of life. At the same time, however, public spaces
abundance in comparison to the stark beauty of the desert. are expected to be locations of significant and dynamic
Throughout Arab history, oases have served as attractions interaction – places for gathering, relaxing, entertaining, and
providing nourishment and focal points for gathering and shopping. Jumeirah Village offers a broad range of choices
association. Jumeirah Village celebrates the importance for privacy and proximity to public space. The best of both
of greenery and water in the desert landscape through worlds is found throughout the community.
development of open spaces and water features that connect
the neighborhoods and Zones of the community. Many of the Health and Happiness
public amenities found in Jumeirah Village including parks, Jumeirah Village is a living and working environment
sports fields, schools, mosques, and more are strategically that offers superior quality of life, including a healthy and
clustered in the green spaces to create accessible gathering enjoyable living environment. The numerous, interconnected
places reminiscent of the importance of the historic oasis. green spaces and clustered gathering spaces are
intentionally designed to promote a healthy physical lifestyle.
Mix of Symmetry and Natural Form Neighborhoods are intended to promote social interaction.
Symmetry is a critical component of Islamic art, Arab
architecture and Western urban design. However, many of Jumeirah Village was created by applying these Eight
the most successful communities and spaces in the world Principles throughout the design process. Neighborhoods
have “evolved” through a natural, organic pattern. Jumeirah are designed to be places of interaction and enjoyment that
Village is intentionally designed to capture a sense of are always within easy walking distance of parks, public