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Jumeirah Village - towers Development Code - october 2006                   JUMEIRAH VILLAGE LLC


              amenities, shopping needs, and friends. The streetscape                               The Development Code                                             potential parking on the site. In Jumeirah Village, however,
              is designed to be attractive, functional and inviting to both                         The Master Plan is a guide, a detailed layout of spaces and      on-street parking is strongly encouraged and is considered
              motorists and pedestrians. Jumeirah Village offers an                                 Block Guidelines that provide clues to the detailed design       part of meeting parking requirements.
              immense number of choices in housing and neighborhoods                                of Jumeirah Village. The Development Code is a tool for
              amenities ranging from secluded villas to the bustle of living                        implementing the Master Plan. It provides the regulatory         Contents of the Development Code are broken down as
              in the Town Center.                                                                   framework that ensures structures and uses are located           follows:
                                                                                                    according to plan and that the anticipated high quality of life
              The Jumeirah Village - Master Plan and                                                for residents, employees and guests in Jumeirah Village is       A.	General Provisions. Introduce the Development Code and
              Development Code                                                                      realized. The Development Code is specifically designed to            provide the purpose, intent and applicability of the Code.
                                                                                                    carry out several functions:
              Two documents guide the development of Jumeirah Village                                                                                                B.	Review Authority. Confirms Jumeirah Village LLC as the
              to ensure that the community reaches its full potential and                           A.	Ensure design that promotes the highest principles of              ultimate authority regarding development in Jumeirah
              appropriately applies the Eight Principles – The Master Plan                               general health, welfare and safety for individuals that          Village and designates representatives responsible for
              and the Development Code. These documents work together                                    live, work or visit the community.                               carrying out the daily duties of administering the Code.
              to span the divide between the vision for Jumeirah Village
              and the standards necessary to ensure that all is completed                           B.	Provide the minimum standards needed to carry out             C.	 Zones. Divides the community into areas of common
              according to plan.                                                                         the vision established by the Master Plan. The intent of         interest and typology for purposes of regulation.
                                                                                                         the Development Code is to focus, not reign in, creative
              The Master Plan                                                                            freedom.                                                    D.	Use. Designates permitted uses in each of the zones of
              The purpose of the Master Plan is to set the general                                                                                                        Jumeirah Village.
              foundation for the physical design of Jumeirah Village. The                           C.	Establish procedures needed for Jumeirah Village
              Master Plan represents the physical layout of lots, open                                   LLC to successfully carry out the requirements of the       E.	Form. Addresses the location, size and design of all
              spaces and amenities throughout the site. The Master Plan                                  Development Code.                                                structures in the community.
              also includes the overall design strategy that evolved from
              the initial Eight Principles for the project. It discusses the                        D.	Provide the tools to make sound decisions regarding the       F.	Parking. Establishes guidelines for provision, location,
              major features and characteristics that make Jumeirah                                      inevitable evolution of Jumeirah Village. Communities            type and design of parking areas.
              Village unique, from the broad description of the relationship                             must change over time to remain dynamic. However,
              between neighborhoods, open spaces, streets, and centers                                   change does not have to come at the cost of maintaining     G.	Signs. Discusses permitted sign types by purpose,
              to more detailed discussion of the appearance of the                                       the Eight Principles that make Jumeirah Village unique.          location, size, number, intent, and detail.
              streetscape and the types of uses expected in the various                                  This Code ensures that sufficient information and
              community “centers”. The Master Plan establishes the                                       procedures are available to allow the community, and        H.	Landscape and Fencing. Acknowledges the benefits of
              general Circulation Plan for the community and, even here,                                 the tools used to guide development in the community,            adding “green spaces” and screening to the community
              the Eight Principles have been combined with the need for                                  to change in ways that benefit Jumeirah Village over the         as a means of “softening” the built environment,
              efficient and safe travel choices. The Master Plan document                                long term.                                                       improving aesthetics, and adding additional opportunities
              is accompanied by two Master Plan Maps – an illustrated                                                                                                     for recreation.
              map that generally depicts the look of a completed project                            Contents of the Development Code
              and a digital map that delineates the specific location and                                                                                            I.	Administration and Procedures. Provides the tools and
              coordinates of lots and spaces.                                                       The Development Code for Jumeirah Village is designed                 processes needed to administer the Development Code.
                                                                                                    to address a broad range of issues important to carrying
                                                                                                    out the functions described above and meeting the Eight          J.	Definitions. Describes the various technical or specific
                                                                                                    Principles that serve as the foundation for the community. The        terms found throughout the Development Code.
                                                                                                    guidelines address many issues common to all communities,
                                                                                                    but once again, they also show an attention to detail unique     K.	Application Checklists. Ensure that appropriate and
                                                                                                    to Jumeirah Village. For example, traditional streets are             sufficient information is conveyed by the potential
                                                                                                    designed with sufficient width to provide parking but codes           applicant to Jumeirah Village LLC when requesting to
                                                                                                    commonly require that a development accommodate all                   develop a site.
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