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J u m e i r a h V i l l a g e - t o w e r s D e v e l o p m e n t C o d e october 2006 JUMEIRAH VILLAGE LLC
review authority 2. Review Authority
Section 2.01. General Authority 2.01.03. Conformity with Development Code 2.02.03. Staff Duties on Behalf of Development Review Section 2.03. Development Review Board
No employee of Jumeirah Village LLC granted authority by Board
2.01.01. Delegation of Authority this Code may approve or issue a permit for a development In addition to duties described in Section 2.02.02, the 2.03.01. Designation
As stated in Section 1.02.01, Authority of Jumeirah Village application that does not meet the provisions of this Code. Development Code Administrator shall act as staff to the Jumeirah Village LLC shall designate a Development Review
LLC, this section certifies that Jumeirah Village LLC is Any approval or permit issued in conflict with the provisions Development Review Board providing the following services: Board (DRB) for purposes of approving or denying requests
responsible for promoting and control of development of of this Code shall be considered null and void. to vary from the requirements of this Code, amend the Code
Jumeirah Village. As a result, Jumeirah Village LLC has the A. Accept, review, and recommend actions upon or Zoning Map, or appeal a decision of the Development Code
right to approve or deny all applications for development 2.01.04. Final Authority Development Code amendments, Zoning Map Administrator.
within Jumeirah Village. To assist in administration of these Jumeirah Village LLC reserves the right to final authority on amendments, variances, exceptions, and conditional
duties, Jumeirah Village LLC is authorized to delegate all items related to promotion and control of development uses. 2.03.02. Appointment
responsibilities, including but not limited to: of Jumeirah Village. All decisions made by Jumeirah Village Jumeirah Village LLC shall appoint a panel consisting of no
LLC, including appeals of decisions made by the Development B. Complete Findings of Fact for each decision reached by more than five members to serve on the Development Review
A. Daily administration of this Code, the Master Plan for Code Administrator or Development Review Board shall be the Development Review Board. Board. Three members of the DRB shall be regular members.
Jumeirah Village and other plans related to Jumeirah considered final. Two additional members shall serve as alternates. Meetings
Village. C. Respond to the applicant with Findings of Fact. of the DRB shall occur regularly on a basis that shall not
Section 2.02. Development Code Administrator exceed once a month unless approved by the three regular
B. Ability to receive, review, approve, request modification, 2.02.04. Additional Duties members of the DRB.
or deny applications for development. 2.02.01. Designation Additional duties assigned to the Development Code
Jumeirah Village LLC shall designate a Development Code 2.03.03. Powers & Duties
C. Requests or decisions to amend or interpret this Code. Administrator to maintain daily administration of affairs Administrator include: As noted in Table 2.01, Roles and Duties, the DRB shall be
related to development activity in Jumeirah Village. charged with the following activities:
D. Enforcement of the requirements established by this A. Conduct Pre-Application Meetings as needed with
Code. 2.02.02. General Development Application Duties potential applicants prior to formal submission. A. Review, approve and deny applications for Variances,
As noted in Table 2.01, Roles and Duties, the Development Exceptions and Conditional Uses including the
2.01.02. Summary of Review Authority Code Administrator shall accept, review, request B. Monitor and enforce the regulations established by this establishment of Findings of Fact.
Jumeirah Village LLC hereby establishes a Jumeirah Village modification, approve, or deny the following development Code.
Development Code Administrator and a Development Review applications based upon the requirements established by this B. Approve or deny proposed amendments to the
Board (DRB) for the purpose of administering the majority Code: C. Interpret the requirements of this Code. Development Code or the Zoning Map as requested by an
of activity related to this Code. Table 2.01, Roles and Duties, applicant, Jumeirah Village LLC staff, the Development
summarizes the purpose of each entity. A. Concept Plan D. Prepare and amend any forms and application Code Administrator, or the DRB.
information to be utilized in the development review and
B. Site Plan approval process. C. Hear appeal of any decision made by the Development
Code Administrator.
C. Building Permit