Page 7 - TOWER Code
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dubai, u.a.e. october 2006 Jumeirah Village - towers Development Code
1. General Provisions review authority
Section 1.01. Title to all decisions made under this Code. This Code regulates D. Yards and lots shall not be reduced below dimensions
development in order to achieve objectives of the plan that and area requirements established in this Code.
This Development Code is hereby officially known as the include, but are not limited to, the following: Likewise, no structure or building shall be permitted to
“Jumeirah Village Development Code”. References to “this exceed requirements regarding bulk standards.
Code” shall be interpreted as references to the Jumeirah A. Implement the Block Guidelines established in the plan
Village Development Code. and defined in this Code that dictate the character and E. In the event that requirements of this Code conflict or
pattern of development of the area. compete with requirements of other lawfully adopted
Section 1.02. Authorities rules, regulations, ordinances, or resolutions, the most
B. Enhance safety from fire, panic, and other dangers. restrictive shall apply.
1.02.01. Authority of Jumeirah Village LLC
Jumeirah Village LLC is responsible for promoting and control C. Promote health and general welfare; Section 1.05. Amendments
of development of Jumeirah Village. As a result, Jumeirah
Village LLC is granted the authority to establish regulations D. Provide adequate light and air; Jumeirah Village LLC shall have the authority to amend
and guidelines to manage the use and development of all this Code, as needed. Amendments shall be completed in
land, water and structures within the boundaries of Jumeirah E. Prevent or minimize conflicts or negative impacts among accordance with Section 9, Administration & Procedures of
Village. Jumeirah Village LLC shall have the right to approve adjacent land uses. this Code.
or deny all applications for development within Jumeirah
Village. F. Facilitate adequate provision of transportation, water, 1.05.01. New Development
wastewater, parks and open spaces, other public New development taking place after amendment to the
In accordance with the recital on the property title, Jumeirah facilities. Development Code shall be expected to meet requirements
Village LLC has the authority to: of the Code as amended. Development shall be required to
G. Maintain property values by stabilizing expectations and meet an amended Code if an application for approval has not
A. Implement and ensure compliance with this Code. ensuring predictability in development. been submitted or a submitted application has not received
approval prior to adoption of the new code amendment.
B. Appoint an authority or individual to review and approve H. Establish a process that effectively and fairly applies the
or deny a Concept Plan, Site Plan or Building Permit. regulations and standards of this Code. 1.05.02. Existing Development
Existing development, including development that is under
C. Amend and interpret this code, as needed. Section 1.04. Applicability construction or has received approval by Jumeirah Village
LLC, shall be exempt from meeting requirements established
D. Establish and enforce additional rules, guides and The regulations established by this Code shall be considered by code amendments adopted following application
requirements, as determined to be appropriate. minimum requirements for development as follows: approval. Improvements to existing development shall meet
requirements as amended at the time of application for
1.02.02. Authority of Other Entities A. No building, structure or land shall be used or reused approval of said improvements.
Nothing in this Code relieves the developer or landowner and no building or structure shall be constructed,
from the responsibility to acquire all additional permits or reconstructed, occupied, moved, or structurally altered Section 1.06. Measuring System
approvals as needed for site development or construction unless in conformity with the appropriate regulations
in Jumeirah Village, including, but not limited to approval established within this Code. The Standard International (SI) system of measurement shall
from Dubai Municipality (DM), Dubai Electricity and Water be considered the accepted and official measuring system
Authority (DEWA), Dubai Ports, Customs and Free Zone B. No part of a yard, open space, off-street parking or for this Code. All applications, figures and other materials
Corporation, and the Department of Civil Defence. loading space necessary for compliance by a building submitted for approval shall utilize the Standard International
or structure for purposes of meeting the regulations system.
Section 1.03. Purpose & Intent of this Code shall be likewise used by another building
or structure for compliance unless such shared use of
This Code is established for the purpose of promoting the resources is permitted by this Code and approved by
public health, safety and general welfare of the present and Jumeirah Village LLC.
future residents, employees and guests of Jumeirah Village
and promoting safe, orderly and healthful development. The C. All landscaping, parking, and signs shall be expected
Master Plan for Jumeirah Village is the fundamental guide to meet the requirements of this Code. Approval shall
be granted by Jumeirah Village LLC before a sign may
be constructed, altered or otherwise displayed within
Jumeirah Village.