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J u m e i r a h V i l l a g e - t o w e r s D e v e l o p m e n t C o d e 		  october 2006  JUMEIRAH VILLAGE LLC

Zones  3. Zones

       Section 3.01.	 Establishment of Zones                                         Section 3.03.	 Interpretation of Boundaries

       For the purposes of this Code, the site is divided among seven                In the event of uncertainty regarding the precise location of
       zones, as shown in Table 3.01, General Zone Information.                      boundaries, the following guidelines shall apply:

       Section 3.02.	 Official Zoning Map                                            A.	Boundaries approximately following the center line
                                                                                          of streets or alleys shall be considered to follow such
       3.02.01	 Location and Changes                                                      center lines.
       A.	Jumeirah Village is divided into zones as noted and
                                                                                     B.	Boundaries approximately following lot lines shall be
            maintained by the Official Zoning Map, hereafter referred                     considered to follow such lot lines.
            to as the Zoning Map. The Zoning Map, maintained in the
            offices of Jumeirah Village LLC, is considered a part of                 C.	Boundaries parallel to rights-of-way shall be considered
            this Development Code.                                                        to follow such rights-of-way.

       B.	Any zoning changes shall be recorded on the Zoning                         D.	In all variances other than those listed above, Jumeirah
            Map by Jumeirah Village LLC and each change shall be                          Village LLC shall make a written interpretation of zone
            registered on the map with a number and note indicating                       boundaries.
            the change.
                                                                                     Section 3.04.	 Uniform Application of Zones
       C.	No change shall be made to the Zoning Map except
            in conformity with requirements of this Code. Any                        No building, structure, or land shall be used or occupied,
            unauthorized change shall be null and void and have no                   and no building or structure shall be erected, constructed or
            force or effect.                                                         reconstructed except in conformity with this Code.

       D.	The Zoning Map shall be the final authority regarding
            zone boundaries.

       3.02.02	 Digital Map
       Jumeirah Village LLC may publish duplicate versions of the
       Zoning Map or utilize a digital mapping system to maintain the
       Zoning Map without diluting the final authority of the physical
       Zoning Map available in the offices of Jumeirah Village LLC.
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