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dubai, u.a.e. october 2006                                        Jumeirah Village - towers Development Code   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              review authority

Table 2.01,                                           Jumeirah Village LLC                  Development Code Administrator             Development Review Board (DRB)
Roles and Duties
                                              Final authority and administrator of       Responsible for daily administration of   Responsible for approval or denial of items
Role                                      responsibilities related to implementation      the Development Code including the       requiring possible variation or alteration of
                                                                                      designated authority to make administrative
                                             and amendment of this Development         decisions. Develops a report of review and    this Code. Appeals actions taken by the
                                          Code. Delegates duties as necessary and     recommendation regarding items sent to the        Development Code Administrator.
                                          hears appeals of any actions taken by the
                                                                                               Development Review Board.
                                                 Development Review Board.

Administrative Actions                    Hears appeals of DRB decisions              Responsible for Approval                     Hears appeals of Administrator’s decisions
Concept Plan                              Hears appeals of DRB decisions                           or
Site Plan
Building Permit                           Hears appeals of DRB decisions                         Denial
Amendments & Exceptions                   Approves Consultants for Service
Code Amendment                                                                        Submits review and recommendations           Responsible for Approval or
Zoning Map Amendment                                                                  to DRB, completes DRB findings report,       Denial with Findings of Fact
Exception                                                                                    and responds to applicant
Conditional Use
Other Duties                                                                          Responsible Party                            Hears appeals of Administrator’s decisions
Accepts Notice of Intent Questionnaire
Conducts Pre-Application Meeting                                                      Accepts applications and maintains register           --
Administers and Accepts Applications for
Reviews Applications for Completeness
Develops Reports to the DRB and Jumeirah
Village LLC

Enforces Development Code
Interprets Development Code
Appointment and
Pre-Qualification of Consultants
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